Donald Trump shot again, FBI calls it ‘attempt to murder’, one arrested

Donald Trump shot again, FBI calls it ‘attempt to murder’, one arrested

Donald Trump: US presidential candidate Donald Trump has been attacked once again. On Sunday, when he was playing golf at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, there was firing. The FBI has issued a statement regarding this incident. Former President Donald Trump himself has informed that he is safe and healthy. Meanwhile, the Secret Service has also started an investigation into the matter. Donald Trump issued a statement After this incident, Donald Trump issued a message to his supporters saying, “I am safe. I heard the sound of…

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China business increased after deadly attack on Trump China is selling T-shirts with pictures of Donald Trump

China business increased after deadly attack on Trump China is selling T-shirts with pictures of Donald Trump

Trump T-shirts: China has always been known for its marketing techniques. People of this country think only of earning money in both their good and bad times. A similar case has come to light from China, in which it turned a disaster into an opportunity. Trump was shot in Pennsylvania, USA and China’s business increased due to this. Online retailers of China have started selling T-shirts with the picture of Trump after the shooting. On this T-shirt, Trump is seen encouraging his supporters with a clenched fist and there is…

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