The risk of dementia may double in old age, research revealed this reason

The risk of dementia may double in old age, research revealed this reason

According to a research published in Nature Medicine magazine on Monday, the risk of dementia doubles with increasing age.  Research says that about 14% of men and 23% of women become victims of dementia at some point in their life. The number of people suffering from dementia is continuously increasing. Regarding which researchers have estimated that this number will double by 2060. This is a result of people living longer than previous generations. In old age, due to many diseases and infections, it affects the brain. And this is the…

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New prices of these 65 medicines including diabetes cholesterol have been fixed know what will be the impact on your pocket

New prices of these 65 medicines including diabetes cholesterol have been fixed know what will be the impact on your pocket

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has approximately fixed the retail prices of 65 medicines. Along with this, the prices of 20 medicines have also been fixed. These medicines include medicines for type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, bacterial infection and pain killers are also included in this list. Apart from this, the prices of medicines have been changed. They have distilled water used in injections and vaccines for diseases. Their prices have been decided in the NPPA meeting. The price of 65 medicines has been fixed The National Pharmaceutical Pricing…

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Does morning walk reduce diabetes read full article in hindi

Does morning walk reduce diabetes read full article in hindi

Morning walk is very beneficial. Walking keeps diabetes under control. The American Diabetes Association recommends walking 10,000 steps to reduce the risk of diabetes. However, a new research has revealed that the sugar level in the blood remains under control. This keeps cholesterol under control. Sugar level in blood remains under control: Due to morning walk, blood sugar level remains under control. Walking keeps the level of insulin in the body correct. With this the sugar level in the blood remains under control. Calories are burnt: Walking can help you…

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Apart from type 2 diabetes and depression, AI will detect these diseases from voice notes, the work will be done in a pinch

Apart from type 2 diabetes and depression, AI will detect these diseases from voice notes, the work will be done in a pinch

Remember when you live in another city, away from your mother. On a phone call, your mother can tell you that you are in a bad mood or unwell just by hearing your voice. Are you tired or feeling sad? Artificial intelligence cannot match a mother’s intuition, but it is enough to detect many types of diseases by listening to a few seconds of a voice clip. Just by listening to the voice, it will tell you whether you are sick or not? The US National Institutes of Health –…

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Are you a night owl beware you can high risk on diabetes type 2

Are you a night owl beware you can high risk on diabetes type 2

Diabetes And Sleep: Sleeping early and waking up early in the morning is considered a healthy habit. But nowadays people stay awake till late night like night owls. If seen, mobile has reduced people’s night sleep. But this habit of sleeping late can make you a victim of diabetes type 2. Yes, a study says that people who sleep late at night have 46% more risk of diabetes 2 than those who wake up early in the morning. In fact, along with poor quality of sleep, wrong lifestyle increases the…

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If you wake up in the morning and feel thirsty with a dry throat, then this serious disease is developing in your body

If you wake up in the morning and feel thirsty with a dry throat, then this serious disease is developing in your body

Diabetes is called a silent killer. When the amount of blood sugar in the body increases and there is a lack of insulin, a disease like diabetes occurs. Diabetes is considered very dangerous because it gradually affects other parts of our body as well. Earlier, diseases like diabetes used to occur in some people as they grew older. But now children are also becoming its victims. Children and youth are suffering from type 1 diabetes nowadays. Nowadays people become victims of type 2 diabetes after the age of 40. Many…

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health tips high risk of diabetes from plastic bottles study

health tips high risk of diabetes from plastic bottles study

Diabetes is becoming a common disease today. Most people think that sugar is responsible for it. It is also true that eating too much sweet causes diabetes but in a new study scientists have found that using plastic bottles also poses a risk of diabetes. Dangerous chemicals are found in it, which can cause dangerous diseases. This study published in the journal ‘Diabetes’ found that BPA chemical is used in making food and drink packages, which is found in plastic water bottles. It can reduce sensitivity towards insulin, the hormone…

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child health care tips type 2 diabetes in children know the risk

child health care tips type 2 diabetes in children know the risk

Type 2 Diabetes in Children : Due to unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, diabetes is increasing rapidly these days. This is an incurable disease, in which one can protect oneself only by abstaining from it. Earlier, symptoms of diabetes used to appear with increasing age, but nowadays Type 2 Diabetes is increasing rapidly even in young children. In diabetes, blood sugar increases and many organs including heart, kidneys, eyes start getting affected. Since there is no cure for it, it is more dangerous. In such a situation, by taking…

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Diabetes: If you want to deal with type-2 diabetes, change your lifestyle, small changes will provide big relief.

Diabetes: If you want to deal with type-2 diabetes, change your lifestyle, small changes will provide big relief.

Type 2 Diabetes: Type-2 diabetes is an incurable disease but if you change your lifestyle then it can be controlled. It can be easily controlled by changing diet and exercising daily. According to the news of Times of India, Dr. SV Madhu, Director and Professor of Endocrinology, College of Medical Sciences, said that since Type 2 Diabetes is caused by unhealthy lifestyle, it can be controlled only by making changes in lifestyle. This requires losing 15 kg or more of weight, especially for those who are overweight or obese. Meaning,…

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type 2 diabetes patients are facing muscle loss problem then do these remedies

type 2 diabetes patients are facing muscle loss problem then do these remedies

Type 2 Diabetes: Muscle loss has become a common problem in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. Many people around the world are troubled by this disease. Among these, the problem of sugar is seen most in young people. This is a serious problem for type 2 diabetes patients. Due to sugar, the muscles of the body start becoming weak and there is also a possibility of breakage. Due to diabetes, there can be swelling in the body, due to which the muscles start becoming weak. Many times, Type 2…

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