Russia Ukraine War: The Russia-Ukraine war seems to be intensifying once again. Dangerous fighting is going on in Kharkiv city of Ukraine. Last Friday, the Russian army had launched an attack in this area. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his army has tried to stop the Russian army from advancing in the border areas, meanwhile a fierce war is going on between the two countries. Ukraine has replaced the Kharkiv front line commander amid the war. Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Army, Alexander Sirsky, has described the situation…
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Russia Ukraine War: Russian Army Missile Attack On Ukraine Today, Energy Centers Were Targeted
Russia Ukraine War News: The year-long war between Russia and Ukraine in Europe has not stopped. On Friday, Russia fired 17 missiles at Ukraine in one hour. Russian army targeted Ukraine’s energy centers with missiles. Earlier, the power houses of Ukraine were also attacked. First such attack when so many missiles were fired simultaneously Russia’s attack on Ukraine took place from around 4 am on Friday morning, when missiles fell in Zaporizhia area of Ukraine. According to the report of The Kiev Independent, since the beginning of the war, this…
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