GOLD pulses! Gold is above 70 thousand rupees, but here pulses are having 24 carat flavor, people’s mind is blown away

Dal With 24-Carat Gold: Recently you must have read the news that the prices of gold have increased so much that all the records till now have been broken. Gold prices have crossed Rs 70,000. Amidst the rising prices of gold, making jewelery has become a very expensive hobby for people. But there is also a restaurant where people are being served pulses mixed with golden ghee. Shocked, no this is not a viral trend nor is this news about gold ghee fake. Dals in this restaurant are actually served…

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Do you hesitate after seeing Khichdi? Emperors used to lick it and eat it, its history is interesting

know the Lavish History of Khichdi: Khichdi is such a food that mothers often do not feel like cooking, so it becomes dinner in our homes. However, if we talk about children, they always make faces after seeing Khichdi. Many people even call Khichdi the ‘food of the sick’. Because when a person is ill, this food is most digestible for your stomach. But do you know that the Khichdi which you are making faces after seeing, was the Khichdi that emperors like Akbar and Jahangir used to lick and…

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