How many kilograms of gold is extracted every year around the world, is there any data about it?

How many kilograms of gold is extracted every year around the world, is there any data about it?

Today, most people around the world consider gold to be the best for investing. Because gold is one of the most precious metals in the world at this time. But do you know how many kilograms of gold is extracted every year around the world. Today we will tell you how many kilograms of gold has been extracted around the world and how many kilograms of gold is left.  Gold People around the world consider gold to be the best for investing. Especially in India, you will find gold jewellery…

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Can humans survive in the tunnels found on the moon? What did the scientists say

Can humans survive in the tunnels found on the moon? What did the scientists say

Humans have reached the moon. But till now humans have not found life on the moon. When you see the moon from the earth, it seems that it is not possible to reach and live on the moon. But today many space agencies of the world including India have reached the moon. But now for the first time scientists have seen a tunnel on the moon. It is believed that humans can survive in these tunnels. Today we will tell you whether humans can really survive on the moon.   …

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This is the world deepest underground metro station in china the depth is more than 40 storey buildings

This is the world deepest underground metro station in china the depth is more than 40 storey buildings

Let us tell you that there are metro rail systems in more than 190 cities in the world. However, at some places they are known as subway, U-ban or underground train. But most metros are similar in appearance. The London Metro is the oldest metro rail system in the world. It was started for the people in 1863. You must have traveled in the metro rail present in different cities of India. Metro runs underground in many countries including the capital Delhi. By metro train, the passenger reaches his destination…

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