People are ignoring physical activity, in the next 6 years so many crore people will become victims of serious diseases

People are ignoring physical activity, in the next 6 years so many crore people will become victims of serious diseases

Physical activity is very important for every person to stay healthy and fit. People who are not physically active gradually become victims of many chronic diseases. According to the recent ‘Lancet Global Health’ report, more than half of India’s population is physically unfit. 60 percent of the population will fall ill by 2030 Among all these, the condition of women is even worse because their physical activity is very low. According to WHO guidelines, more than 50 percent of India’s population is not able to complete physical activity. By the…

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These 3 diseases are rapidly making the youth victims, be careful, protect yourself like this

These 3 diseases are rapidly making the youth victims, be careful, protect yourself like this

Health Tips: Nowadays, due to being careless towards health, most of the youth are falling victim to serious diseases. In this busy life, bad lifestyle and eating habits are badly affecting their health. In such a situation, people below 50 years of age are becoming victims of three dangerous diseases. Health experts say that if attention is not given at the right time, all three diseases can take the form of an epidemic. Therefore, you should immediately focus on making changes in your daily routine and habits… Obesity According to…

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