Mohan Dhakale/Burhanpur.The traffic police in Burhanpur district of Madhya Pradesh is no longer issuing challans. After issuing the challan, people deposit the challan, but again forget to follow the traffic rules. The police has now adopted a unique method to teach such people a lesson. Instead of issuing police challan to the drivers who drive on the wrong side from Sindhi Basti towards Collector Marg, I will not make such mistake again. Such apology notes are being written 100 times. So that people realize this mistake and keep this in…
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The Man Who Threw Eggs At King Charles Is Banned From Carrying Eggs Except
London: King Charles III of Britain faced protest during a program. In fact, a young man recently threw eggs at King Charles and his wife Camilla in Britain. He was immediately taken into custody. Now the accused has been given a unique punishment. The man who threw eggs at King Charles and his wife Camilla in Britain has been banned from carrying eggs in public. Along with this, he has been instructed to stay 500 meters away from King Charles in future. Significantly, an egg was thrown at King Charles…
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