Action against Iran, after action on protesting women, UN has now taken a big step

Action against Iran, after action on protesting women, UN has now taken a big step

Anti Hijab Protest: The United Nations has voted on Wednesday to exclude Iran from the women’s rights organization. Actually, America has taken this initiative regarding the brutal action on women regarding anti-hijab demonstrations in Iran. This organization is the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW), from which Iran has been shown the way out.

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If The Dog Is Dead Bring The Dog Show The Proof Restaurant Manager Threatened Staff Now Lost Job

If The Dog Is Dead Bring The Dog Show The Proof Restaurant Manager Threatened Staff Now Lost Job

Restaurant Manager Fired In US: A manager of the Olive Garden restaurant in Kansas City, USA, lost his job after he threatened other employees. Apart from this, the manager used to scold other staff for asking for leave. According to The Guardian, the manager’s name has not been released publicly, but in other ways, many strong messages against him are being sent online. The manager told the employees in a written note that they were taking leave from work at a “very expensive rate”. It has been further told in…

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