Every 20 hours a rhino is killed here, a big step has been taken to stop this, now smugglers will die as soon as they touch the horn!

Humans can stoop to any level to satisfy their greed. This is the reason why they have been killing mute animals for years just for their own benefit. There are many countries where wild animals are killed almost every day for their skin, bones, horns or teeth. Take the case of rhinos. Smuggling of their horns is not a new thing. For years, hundreds of rhinos have been killed just for their horns (radioactive substance injected in rhino horns). But now scientists in South Africa have taken a big step…

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Cars worth crores are kept chained like cows and buffaloes, people in London are adopting indigenous Jugaad, why?

People do everything to protect their vehicles. They build garages in their homes, install CCTV cameras. Many people even appoint guards to take care of their vehicles and homes. But have you ever seen someone keeping their cars chained like cows and buffaloes? You may have seen this sight somewhere in India, but these days in London (London car owners chain cars to trees), people are seen chaining their cars worth crores. Think why they would be adopting this Desi Jugaad? Let us tell you. According to the report of…

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Why is ‘C/F’ and ‘W/L’ written on the side of the railway track, what does it mean? You probably don’t know!

Travelling by train is a different kind of fun. You get a chance to meet new people, see the beauty of the country and also gain a unique kind of knowledge. An interesting fact related to the train is not inside the train, but outside, next to the tracks. During the journey, your attention must have gone to the boards next to the railway track (What is the meaning of W/L board), on which ‘W/L’ or ‘C/F’ is written. Do you know what it means? Hardly people will have the…

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Everything is acceptable in love! Man can’t bear the distance from his girlfriend, so he goes to office by flight every day

People go to great lengths in love… some start stealing and some start looting. Some even become murderers. But the story of this person is different. This person named Seb works in London. But since his girlfriend lives in Hamburg, Germany, he travels from Hamburg to London by plane every day. It takes him 5 hours every day to commute. A lot of money is spent, yet he does not want to stay in London. As soon as the job is over, he reaches the airport to board the plane.…

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GOLD pulses! Gold is above 70 thousand rupees, but here pulses are having 24 carat flavor, people’s mind is blown away

Dal With 24-Carat Gold: Recently you must have read the news that the prices of gold have increased so much that all the records till now have been broken. Gold prices have crossed Rs 70,000. Amidst the rising prices of gold, making jewelery has become a very expensive hobby for people. But there is also a restaurant where people are being served pulses mixed with golden ghee. Shocked, no this is not a viral trend nor is this news about gold ghee fake. Dals in this restaurant are actually served…

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Do you hesitate after seeing Khichdi? Emperors used to lick it and eat it, its history is interesting

know the Lavish History of Khichdi: Khichdi is such a food that mothers often do not feel like cooking, so it becomes dinner in our homes. However, if we talk about children, they always make faces after seeing Khichdi. Many people even call Khichdi the ‘food of the sick’. Because when a person is ill, this food is most digestible for your stomach. But do you know that the Khichdi which you are making faces after seeing, was the Khichdi that emperors like Akbar and Jahangir used to lick and…

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amazing saree made of Japanese pearls its price is as much as a Mahindra Thar weird news – News18 Hindi

Anjali Singh Rajput/Lucknow: Everything about the City of Nawabs is unique. Even today, it would not be wrong if the city of Nawabs is called a golden bird. Because, the most expensive saree has been made here. The price is so high that you can buy a car like Creta and Thar for that much. Yes, you will be shocked to hear the price of the saree we are talking about. Because. Its price is Rs 12 lakh. This saree is made on chikankari cloth. It has been made with…

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OMG! Have you ever eaten Kiwi-Dragonfruit flavored Golgappa? Woman made 52 types of Panipuri, food scientist made world record

Mumbai’s Chef Neha Shah creates over 51 types of Golgappa water: Golgappa, Panipuri, Puchka, Pani Batashe, Tikiya… and what not. No matter what the name is, this is such a dish that as soon as you hear its name, its taste hits your mouth. Who doesn’t like Golgappa, but its real taste lies in its water. You must have seen 5-6 types of Golgappa water in your city, street or locality. But a woman from Mumbai has done wonders. Mumbai-based food scientist and chef Neha Deepak Shah has prepared 52…

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see Video These two elephants set an example of friendship, they eat food together, go out for a walk – News18 Hindi

Harikant Sharma/Agra: You must have heard many stories about friendship between humans. But we are going to tell you the story of friendship between two animals. This is the story of the elephant Lakshmi and the fairy. Who are now living together in Wildlife SOS, Agra. There was a time when these two elephants were tortured. When Wildlife SOS found two female elephants, Lakshmi and Pari, they were severely malnourished. Lakshmi, who was once exploited for begging and commercial purposes, was emaciated. Even his spine was bulging and there was…

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weird news waiter ya doctor, without checkup Food is not available here this unique restaurants delhi – News18 Hindi

Gauhar/ Delhi: If someone tells you about a place where you can get rid of diseases by eating its food, then it is surprising. But in reality there is such a place. Today we are going to tell you about India’s first Ayurvedic cafe. Where you will get food as per your choice. But, before this you will have to undergo a health checkup. We are talking about Maharishi Ayurvedic Hospital where proper treatment of Vata, Pitta and Kapha is done. You will also find Soma The Ayurvedic Kitchen Café…

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