drinking urine risks and benefits know about scientific facts and myths

Drinking urine: Does drinking urine cure health problems? To find this out, we looked at many articles and videos. During this fact check, we were drawn to the English portal of Healthline. According to the report in Healthline, there is no evidence that drinking urine is beneficial for the body. Many researches have proved that drinking urine causes bacteria, toxins and harmful substances to reach the body through the blood. Drinking urine can also cause kidney infection. In the olden days, doctors used to diagnose diabetes by the taste of…

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These people had to pay tax on urine the reason was very interesting

Urine Tax: different around the world,Tax is levied on different things, With which the expenses of the government of that country are met and the country too, But there are many taxes which sound very strange., In the olden days, taxes were levied on some things which were abolished with time, But due to his strangeness, he remains in discussions even today., One of them was tax on urine, Yes!, you read it right, Actually, we are talking about Roman., Where alcohol was taxed for a specific reason, Why was…

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What are the symptoms of low water in the body, read the full article in Hindi

When the body does not get water as per its requirement, the body starts lacking water and then people become victims of dehydration. Many people believe that feeling more thirsty means that there is a lack of water in the body. But we will tell you in detail what are the symptoms that appear when there is a lack of water in the body. These are some of the symptoms that appear when there is a lack of water in the body Persistent headaches If you are constantly having severe…

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Is chlorine really added to swimming pools What harm does this do to the body

It is extremely hot all over the country. To get relief from the heat, some are taking the help of AC, while others are taking the help of cold water. Some people, troubled by the heat, go to take a bath in the swimming pool. But do you know that chlorine chemical is used to clean swimming pool water. Know what are the harms caused by chlorine chemical in the body. swimming pool To get relief from the heat during summer, many people take the help of swimming pool. But…

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Chlorine or urine in swimming pool causes eye irritation know the truth

Swimming Pool Water: Summer season has arrived. People adopt various methods to get rid of the heat. Some people stay sitting in AC. So some people drink cold beverages. So some people go to take bath in the swimming pool. During the summer season, people often visit places like water world and swimming pool. But here, after staying in water for a long time, people feel a burning sensation in their eyes. What is the reason behind this? Chlorine or urine present in swimming pool water. Let us know the…

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Even after coming back from space, astronauts cannot eat their favorite food, what is the reason?

Many questions arise in everyone’s mind regarding space. Like how astronauts land in space, what they eat there and what they do after coming back from there. However, this question would hardly have arisen in anyone’s mind as to what kind of life astronauts live after returning to Earth. If you too have not thought about this, then let us know today what astronauts eat after coming back to Earth. Astronauts cannot eat the food of their choice after coming back from space!You will be surprised to know that after…

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returning from space passengers are not given normal food, know what food they get

Many questions arise in everyone’s mind regarding space. Like what do astronauts eat, how do they live in space? But have you ever wondered how travelers would live a normal life after coming back from space? What food will you eat immediately after coming back? Today we will tell you what astronauts eat immediately after reaching Earth. I don’t get everything for a few days Let us tell you that after coming back from space, passengers have to follow a strict diet for a few days. So that their body…

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What makes urine yellow Researchers have finally figured it out the whole process

highlights The reason why urine is yellow was not known exactly. The enzyme responsible for this had already been identified. But scientists have now discovered its process. Scientists have finally succeeded in explaining why the color of urine becomes yellow. There has been a lot of research on this matter and there have been many explanations for it, but a new study claims to have completely solved this puzzle. The surprising thing is that the answer to this question was being searched for a long time and scientists were failing…

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Never make the mistake of urinating under the shower, expert told the shocking reason

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When You Drink Excessive Amounts Of Water Effects On Brain And Body Sodium Lavel

Half of the human body is made up of water. This is the reason why doctors always ask to drink more and more water. This is the reason why we feel thirsty. By drinking water, the temperature of our body remains under control and there is no problem of dehydration. Dieticians or health experts always recommend that three liters of water should be drunk throughout the day. However, it should also be kept in mind that drinking too much water can also harm your health. That’s why it is also…

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