‘People think I am poor, but this was my dream’, the girl lives in a van with her husband, spends her day sweeping, mopping and washing utensils!

‘People think I am poor, but this was my dream’, the girl lives in a van with her husband, spends her day sweeping, mopping and washing utensils!

Whether it is buying a house or staying on rent in an expensive city, so much money is spent that people start looking for different options. Some people think that it would be better to buy their own house and pay its EMI, while some think about reducing the rent. This was a matter of compulsion, but many times people do not want to build a house as a hobby but want to live life by traveling. Today we will tell you about one such girl. She has started living…

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The couple got bored of living in a rented house, started living in a van to save money and traveled to 27 countries

The couple got bored of living in a rented house, started living in a van to save money and traveled to 27 countries

Who doesn’t like to travel? But people are not able to leave their homes and the responsibilities associated with them, due to which they are not able to stay away from home for long. But a couple from England has found such a way to travel that after knowing about them, everyone would probably want to live a life like them. This couple has been on the road for almost 9 years. Don’t be surprised, they are not homeless. Actually, they live in a van. They left their rented house…

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Indian couple turned a van into a home, traveled on the world’s longest road, traveled 30 thousand kilometers!

Indian couple turned a van into a home, traveled on the world’s longest road, traveled 30 thousand kilometers!

Who doesn’t like to travel? But due to household responsibilities, a person gets so entangled in them that he is never able to fulfill his hobby of travelling. But some people leave their boring life and become travelers in search of an adventurous life and go out to visit the world. An Indian couple also did the same. This couple set out to travel on the longest road in the world and on that pretext started spreading the beauty of the world to people through social media. We are talking…

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