Independence day 2024 what vedas say for patriotism service revolution and protection of the nation

Independence day 2024 what vedas say for patriotism service revolution and protection of the nation

Sanatan Dharma inspires patriotism, service to the country, revolution and protection of the nation. That is why so many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the country by fighting against the British, in whose memory we celebrate Independence Day every year on 15th August. Independence Day Let’s celebrate. The Vedas contain a lot of the noble feeling of nationalism. In Rigveda 10.191.2, a prayer has been made to God- ,San Gachchhadhwam San Vadadhwam San Vo Manansi Janataam. Deva Bhagam Yatha Purve Sanjanana Upasate. Meaning- “O God! Please give us such…

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