Make salty vegetable porridge for breakfast, you will get full nutrition with great taste, very easy recipe

Make salty vegetable porridge for breakfast, you will get full nutrition with great taste, very easy recipe

highlights Fiber rich porridge is very beneficial for the body. Seasonal vegetables can be used in vegetable porridge. Vegetable Daliya Recipe: To stay healthy in monsoon, it is beneficial to eat light and digestible things. In such a situation, the day can be started with a light breakfast like Namkeen Vegetable Porridge. Apart from being tasty, vegetable porridge is also very healthy. If you are alert about your health amidst the changing weather, then you can include vegetable porridge in breakfast. Its taste will be liked by everyone from children…

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Vegetable dalia improve digestion system easy to make for breakfast food dalia recipe

Vegetable dalia improve digestion system easy to make for breakfast food dalia recipe

highlights Apart from breakfast, vegetable porridge can also be made for lunch and dinner. Vegetable porridge rich in fiber is very beneficial for the stomach. Vegetable Dalia Recipe: Everyone wants his breakfast to be with healthy food. Vegetable porridge can be a great option for this. Vegetable porridge gives better health as well as great taste. It is also very easy to make and its taste is also liked by children. Vegetable porridge can be made and eaten for lunch or dinner. Vegetable porridge rich in fiber is very helpful…

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