Wow Futkun! More expensive than mutton… tastier than chicken, this amazing vegetable is available only in rainy season

Wow Futkun! More expensive than mutton… tastier than chicken, this amazing vegetable is available only in rainy season

Jamshedpur. Have you heard the name of Futkun? This vegetable is available only during the rainy season in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. After the rains start, this vegetable starts selling in the city and village markets. It is quite popular among the local people. Futkun is also known as Rugda, Bata and Chhata Chattu in the villages. People enjoy this vegetable a lot during the two months of rain. This is how vegetables are made The process of preparing Futkun is quite interesting. First of all, it is washed thoroughly and all…

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