People of this village earn money from snakes lakhs of poisonous snakes live nearby

People of this village earn money from snakes lakhs of poisonous snakes live nearby

Nowadays, people keep many pets in their homes. But today we are going to tell you about a village where people keep snakes. Yes, snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. But in the village we are talking about, people here keep snakes and also sell them. snake village Let us tell you that there is a village in Zhejiang province of East China, where snakes are reared on a large scale. The name of this village is Jisiqiao, where most of the people do…

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Sleeping Under Tree: A person can die by sleeping under this tree, know the reason behind this

Sleeping Under Tree: A person can die by sleeping under this tree, know the reason behind this

People in the village still sleep in the open outside their houses. Some people also place their cots under trees to sleep. But do you know that there is a tree under which sleeping can kill you. Today we will tell you that sleeping under which tree is considered the most dangerous.  Sleeping under a tree is dangerous In most of the villages of India, People know that sleeping under trees at night is dangerous. That is why even if someone goes to sleep at night to look after the…

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Why are birds less visible these days? The graph of their numbers is decreasing rapidly.

Why are birds less visible these days? The graph of their numbers is decreasing rapidly.

Now when the sparrow comes, we will return to our childhood… Do sparrows still come to the courtyard or terrace of your house? Do you sometimes remember those childhood days when you see sparrows in a distant town, when when you used to sit in the courtyard of your house with your grandmothers, dozens of sparrows would come and sit next to you like members of the family, when you wake up in the morning? The chirping of sparrows also seemed like music. Like all the members of the house,…

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Assam famous for black magic if you go to a village here then it is dangerous to come back.

Assam famous for black magic if you go to a village here then it is dangerous to come back.

Even today there are many states in India where black magic is practiced. However, the government has implemented a law to stop this. But despite this, black magic happens secretly in those states. Today we are going to tell you about a state which is known for its black magic. There is a village in the Indian state of Assam, where black magic happens. People say that if common citizens go to that village, it is difficult for them to come back. Today we will tell you what is the…

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Sunlight did not reach in winter, villagers together created their own sun

Sunlight did not reach in winter, villagers together created their own sun

The sun and its light are very important for every human being living on earth. In winter, humans need sunlight the most. However, in many areas of the world there is no sunlight for months. But a village found a solution which no common man could think of. In fact, to get sunlight, the people of this village have made their own artificial sun.  Which village? Italy, a village The biggest problem was that the sun used to rise in the village, but the location was such that sunlight could…

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To Live In Antarcticas Vilas Las Estrellas Village It Is Necessary To Have An Appendix Operation

To Live In Antarcticas Vilas Las Estrellas Village It Is Necessary To Have An Appendix Operation

Appendix Operation Is Necessary To Stay Here: There are some rules for living anywhere in the world. For example, to live in India, you must have an Aadhaar number from a legal point of view. Foreigners must have passport of their country and visa from India to stay here. Similarly, other countries also have their own rules, but there is a settlement in Antarctica where if someone wants to live for a long time, it is necessary to get his appendix removed by operation. Antarctica is a very cold continent.…

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