Viral News in Hindi Trending News in Hindi

‘The dog was left loose, now pay compensation to the madam’, dog frightened a pregnant woman, court punished the owner!

There are different types of people in the world. Some people like something a lot…

what is the maximum height an airplane can fly know facts

There was a time when traveling by plane was not everyone's cup of tea, but…

How high can an airplane fly? Know the answer to this interesting question, maybe you will know

There was a time when traveling by plane was considered a luxury and not everyone…

‘5 hours work, whole day rest’, girl found a fun job, that too at a beautiful location!

There are different types of people in the world. Some people are so habituated to…

There was a mysterious mark on the head of the newborn, doctors thought it was a tumor, started surgery, but were shocked to see the scene!

When children are born, all their organs are checked. It is thoroughly observed whether the…

Oh God! The husband used to play games by asking money from his wife, when she refused, she beat him and made him blind

You must have heard that addiction ruins a person. Earlier this addiction was only for…

There are many clocks in the picture, which clock is showing different time? Answer in 12 seconds…

Sometimes even what we see with our eyes is not true. Optical illusion is also…

After coming to India, an American woman learned 10 habits which she never wants to change, the last one is a little different!

On social media, you must be getting live blogs of many foreign tourists who stay…