Twin babies, but there is a difference of 22 days between their birth, know why this happened, a very rare case

Birth of twins is a common thing in today’s times. Many children are born twins. But something strange happened with a woman in England. Twin children were born to them. But the second child was born 22 days after the birth of the first child. This is a very rare case. You will also be surprised to know the whole matter. According to the Mirror report, Kaylee Doyle, a resident of England, was pregnant. A few months ago, when the doctor told her that she was going to be the…

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Why does our voice change with age? What is the reason for women’s voice becoming thin, know interesting facts

Our voices change with age. It is quite melodious in childhood. Some people also speak hesitantly. But then with time the voice becomes heavy. What is the reason behind this? The same question was asked on the social media platform Quora. Let us know the correct answer. According to BBC report, it is the vocal cords that produce the sound of your voice. It is located in the larynx. The larynx is the part of the respiratory system that allows air to pass from the throat to your lungs. When…

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Why is the lioness a more dangerous hunter than the lion? Question asked, let’s know the correct answer

Lions are the most dangerous predators of the forest. If they catch someone, it is not only difficult but impossible to escape. But do you know that a lioness is a better hunter than lions. Even if they are small. Many users on the social media platform Quora tried to find out the reason for this. Some people also gave answers to the best of their knowledge; But what is the real reason for this, why are lionesses more dangerous hunters than lions. Let us know. First, let’s discuss those…

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How did the spoon reach our homes? When and where was it invented, know interesting facts

Spoon is there in every Indian home. But have you ever wondered where it came from? When and where was it invented? A user named Sanath Narayan (@SanathNarayan) asked the same thing to people on social media platform Wrote, I am going to find out why everyone in India has this spoon? People answered according to their knowledge. One user wrote, perhaps it was a promotional item along with grocery products. Even today I have 3-4 of these. Perhaps it might be related to some tea brand. But is this…

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Tiger fish, which can even hunt crocodiles, chews bones in 30 seconds with dagger-like teeth.

If we talk about dangerous fishes, puffer fish comes at the first place. It is highly poisonous. Eating this can even lead to death. But today we are going to tell you about the most violent fish in the world. Whose teeth are like daggers and who is known for hunting dreaded crocodiles. It is so dangerous that even the bones of crocodiles are chewed in just 30 seconds. It is also called as demon fish. The video of this fish has been shared on Instagram from @lukulu_fishing_lodge account, which…

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Death penalty was to be given, the person ordered sandwich-burger, ate to his heart’s content and then…

If someone is to be hanged after a few minutes, imagine what would be going on in his mind. Must be missing some loved ones; Maybe praying to God. Many times there are reports that the convict did not eat anything before hanging. Didn’t drink anything. Kept taking names of his people. But now a surprising news has come to light. A man ordered a sandwich-burger before his death sentence. He was given a hearty meal and then he was killed by injection. According to the report of Metro, in…

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Where did the word slogan come from? What is its true meaning, the question asked, do you have the correct answer to it?

Many times in our everyday life, we come across such words, which we know where to use, but where did they come from? What is their true meaning? Didn’t know about it. One such word is slogan. During this time of Lok Sabha elections, there is noise of every slogan i.e. election slogans. All parties including BJP and Congress are creating different types of slogans. Are attacking each other. But have you ever wondered where this word slogan came from? What is its true meaning? The same question was asked…

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Tiger seen here in India, seen after 20 years, IFS shared the picture, wrote- Happy

India has been the home of tigers, but at one time the number of tigers in the country had come down to 268. Then Project Tiger was started to save tigers. As a result, today there are 54 tiger reserves in the country. Along with this, tigers have now started appearing even in those areas from where they had once become extinct. Indian Forest Service officer Sushant Nanda (IFS Susanta Nanda) told on social media that recently a majestic tiger was also seen in the forest of Sundergarh. This is…

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How much water is there inside the earth? Scientists said, water crisis is about to end!

The earth is surrounded by oceans. According to a research, about 70 percent of the earth is covered with water. But most of these are salty, which is not fit for drinking. We all drink water by extracting it from underground. That means we use groundwater. But this too is ending very fast. It is being said that the earth is drying up. One day all the water will be exhausted. But is it really so? How much water is there inside the earth? Scientists have told about this. Is…

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