The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) said in a statement on Monday that India has reported two cases of human metapneumovirus (HMPV) in Karnataka. According to the report, the disease was found in a two-month-old girl and an 8-month-old boy, both of whom had a family history of bronchopneumonia. The most surprising thing is that both the children and their families did not have any international travel history. At present the girl has been discharged. The baby boy is still admitted in Bengaluru Baptist Hospital. Sources in Bruhat…
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China is facing a new virus outbreak with the Human Metapneumovirus HMPV spreading rapidly
Five years after the Covid-19 pandemic, China is currently battling the outbreak of the serious disease Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV). Reports and social media posts show that the virus is spreading rapidly. Some people claim that there is overcrowding in hospitals and cremation grounds. Crowds are seen in hospitals in videos shared online. Some users are saying that many viruses including influenza A, HMPV, mycoplasma pneumonia and Covid-19 are spreading. It is even being claimed that China has declared a state of emergency, although this has not been confirmed. HMPV is…
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