Vishal Bhardwaj Birthday director once a cricketer composed a song at the age of 17 know unknown facts

Vishal Bhardwaj Birthday director once a cricketer composed a song at the age of 17 know unknown facts

Vishal Bhardwaj Birthday: Famous Bollywood actor Vishal Bhardwaj turned 59 on August 4. Vishal Bhardwaj was born on August 4, 1965 in Chandpur, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh. Vishal is a man of many talents. He is a music composer, director, screenwriter, producer and also a singer. Let us tell you some special things about Vishal on the occasion of his birthday. Vishal was once a cricketer Vishal Bhardwaj had earned a good name in the film world. However, he wanted to make a career in cricket. Vishal Bhardwaj was a part…

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