Why Are Advanced Stage Cervical Cancer Cases Rising In India

Why Are Advanced Stage Cervical Cancer Cases Rising In India

Cervical cancer cases are increasing rapidly every year in India. This cancer occurs especially in women. Indian women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in advanced stages. The reason behind this could also be that most women are not as aware about this cancer as they should be. Due to which this disease is detected in the very last stage. Cervical cancer outbreak in India Cervical cancer is more scary for India because 25 percent of its patients are from India alone. Its cases are continuously increasing every year. This cancer…

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Cervical Cancer Symptoms Should Be Recognized In Time

Cervical Cancer Symptoms Should Be Recognized In Time

Cervical Cancer Symptoms: Corona wreaked havoc not only in the country but in the world. Thousands of people succumbed to the virus. Due to covid vaccine, herd immunity and other reasons, the effect of the virus was not that effective. However, some side effects of the Kovid vaccine were definitely seen. Now a surprising case related to the Kovid vaccine has come to the fore. The disease of the woman was something else. The doctors continued to treat Kovid vaccine as a side effect. Due to this the condition of…

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Cervical Cancer Symptoms Girls Below The Age Of 30 Are Coming In The Grip

Cervical Cancer Symptoms Girls Below The Age Of 30 Are Coming In The Grip

Cervical Cancer Symptoms: Cervical cancer is the most common cancer found in women. This cancer is born due to negligence and neglect of women. But nowadays the reports about cancer are coming out. She is going to worry. Recent studies have revealed that till now there was a possibility of getting cervical in older women. But the cases that are coming up now. Among them, young girls are also coming in the grip of this deadly cancer. Doctors say that to prevent any kind of cancer, it is necessary to…

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