Diet Tips Leg Cramps At Night Causes And Home Remedies In Hindi

Diet Tips Leg Cramps At Night Causes And Home Remedies In Hindi

Diet Tips: Many people have the problem of cramps or sensation in their legs while sleeping at night. Due to this one cannot get deep sleep. Most people ignore this problem lightly, but later this carelessness can prove costly. According to experts, there can be many reasons for leg cramps. This problem can also occur due to lack of nutrients in the body, restless leg syndrome, muscle related problems. Leg cramps while sleeping at night can be the initial symptoms of some disease. In such a situation, let us know…

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Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms Causes Many Diseases In Women

Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms Causes Many Diseases In Women

Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms: The immune system of any person should be strong. To strengthen the immune system, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients are taken. Be it vitamins, proteins or essential minerals, women and men are essential for all. Vitamins are very important in women. If there is a deficiency of vitamins, then there is a risk of many diseases. Let’s try to know what is the importance of different vitamins in the body of women? important vitamins for women Benefits of Vitamin E Vitamin-E is called fat soluble vitamin. Vitamin…

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