How to check vitamin deficiency in Body and know which diseases are based on vitamin deficiency Read Here all details

How to check vitamin deficiency in Body and know which diseases are based on vitamin deficiency Read Here all details

Many processes go on continuously in the human body. These include everything from converting food into energy to building bones, teeth, muscles, skin etc. Vitamins are needed to complete all these processes properly, but do you know which disease can be caused by the deficiency of which vitamin? If not, then this special report has been prepared especially for you. This disease is caused by deficiency of Vitamin A Vitamin A is found in abundance in dairy products and green vegetables. It plays an important role in keeping muscles, bones,…

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Deficiency of this vitamin causes glasses to be worn at an early age, identify the symptoms and treat them like this

Deficiency of this vitamin causes glasses to be worn at an early age, identify the symptoms and treat them like this

To keep the body fit, the right amount of vitamins and minerals is very important. If there is any kind of vitamin deficiency in the body, then your entire body has to suffer the consequences. Today we will talk about Vitamin A, due to deficiency of which one has to face eye related problems. Vitamin A works to keep eyes, skin, bones and body related tissues strong. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in keeping the body fit. Vitamin A is very important for the body because if it…

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These problems tell you that there is a deficiency of nutrients in your body.

These problems tell you that there is a deficiency of nutrients in your body.

Lack of certain nutrients in the body can cause many health problems. Hair fall, nails breaking or slow growth etc. are some such signs which tell us that our body is lacking something. These problems can be avoided by fulfilling the deficiency of essential nutrients in time. These can be cured by taking a balanced diet and taking some essential vitamins and supplements. Let us know here… excessive hair fall Abnormally excessive hair fall can be a sign of deficiency of some nutrients in the body. There can be many…

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If your hair is turning gray before age, then there may be a deficiency of this vitamin, fulfill it in this way

If your hair is turning gray before age, then there may be a deficiency of this vitamin, fulfill it in this way

Hair Whitening Problem: Who doesn’t want long, thick, black hair, but nowadays not only the older people but also children and young people have their hair turning prematurely grey. Generally, hair starts turning gray after 40 years, but due to deficiency of some vitamins, minerals and nutrients, sometimes hair starts turning gray even at a young age. In such a situation, let us tell you today, the biggest reason behind graying of hair, which can be due to deficiency of a vitamin. Deficiency of this vitamin can cause graying of…

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Tongue May Warn Of Vitamin BTwelve And BNine Deficiencies

Tongue May Warn Of Vitamin BTwelve And BNine Deficiencies

Vitamin B12 and B9: Just as symptoms start appearing in the body when there is a disease, similarly the shape of your tongue also starts indicating when there is a deficiency of vitamins in the body. Wrinkling of the tongue can also be a deficiency of vitamins. You may fail to meet the vitamin requirement of your body, due to which there may be health problems, if the color of your tongue is getting different or the tongue is getting wrinkled then do not ignore these symptoms. Do not ignore…

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