What is the right way to prepare lentils? All the protein is not flowing down the drain, ICMR has issued a guideline

ICMR Guidelines on How to Cook Dal: For vegetarians, dal is a very good option for protein. Tadka dal is unmatched in taste. Be it dal-rice or dal-roti, it has many benefits from taste to health benefits. Indian food cannot be imagined without dal. But do you know that if you cook this lentil rich in nutrients in the wrong way, then instead of delivering its nutrients to your body, you are throwing it down the drain. ICMR had recently released its guidelines. If we believe these guidelines, then there…

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How can eating fake cooking oils affect your health read full article in Hindi

People who are very concerned about their health. Not only this, they use the least processed food. Rather, they use as much natural and organic things as possible in their diet. They use as much unrefined oil as possible. Take special care of these things before cooking in unrefined oil This oil contains a lot of nutrients. If you cook food in it, the taste automatically doubles. Although unrefined oil is pure. But before cooking in it, it is very important to keep in mind some things, ignoring which can…

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Health Tips: How many types of vitamins are needed to stay healthy? Know from experts

Important Vitamins: Vitamins are needed to keep the body healthy. These make the body strong and keep it away from diseases. Due to lack of vitamins, immunity becomes weak and the body can become home to diseases. The effect of deficiency of vitamins in the body is clearly visible. Not just one or two, our body needs many types of vitamins every day. These can be found from many sources. Today in this article we are going to tell you how many types of vitamins are required for our body…

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Grapes Benefits: Which grapes are best, green, black or red, know which has the most vitamins.

Most people are cautious about their body and diet. Some people have breakfast, fruits and dinner according to the diet chart. But do you know which grape is considered the best among grapes? Today we will tell you which grapes contain the most vitamins.  Types of grapes Three types of grapes are available in the market. . The first is green grapes, the second is black grapes and the third is red grapes. However, among these three, red grapes are often considered better than other grape varieties in terms of…

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Vitamins: Remove protein deficiency naturally with these leaves, there is a treasure trove of vitamins in these leaves.

Today most people pay special attention to their diet. We all know that oranges are an excellent source of Vitamin C. Calcium is found in abundance in milk. Apart from this, carrot fulfills the deficiency of Vitamin A. But today we are going to tell you about a green leaf which is rich in vitamins. Dahjan People call drumstick Moringa. Also known as. It contains 4 times more calcium than milk and 7 times more vitamin C than orange. Not only this, four times more Vitamin A is found in…

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Do you know the best time to take Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D? Know when you will get full benefit

Vitamins: Vitamins are very important for the body. Their deficiency can be harmful to health. Every vitamin has different benefits. Vitamin B12 and D are also very essential for health. If there is a deficiency of these two vitamins in the body, then one should be careful and focus on maintaining its level, because deficiency of Vitamin B12 can make the nervous system and nerves weak, while deficiency of Vitamin D can cause bones to break. And there is no strength left in them, hence carelessness should be avoided and…

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these things fulfill deficiency of Vitamin A in body know how to consume this

Vitamin A is very important for the body. Its deficiency causes many diseases. To overcome the deficiency of Vitamin A in the body, you can consume some things. Vitamin A is considered very important for our skin, eyes and health. If Vitamin A decreases in the body, it increases the risk of blindness and can also cause birth defects in pregnant women. To avoid all these things, we will tell you about some things, by consuming which you can overcome the deficiency of Vitamin A. Let us know about those…

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Hands and feet become numb, heart rate increases, so be careful, there is a deficiency of this vitamin.

Vitamin B12: Vitamins play an important role in keeping the body healthy. Due to their deficiency the body becomes victim of many problems. Every vitamin has its own function. Lack of even one can create problems. Vitamin B12 is also very important for health. Its deficiency can cause tingling, numbness in hands and feet, increased heart beat, skin related problems and many other side effects. Therefore, Vitamin B12 should be taken in abundance in food. Vitamin B12 deficiency Tingling in hands and feet and frequent fatigue can be caused by…

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Vitamins are very important for women too, a little carelessness can prove costly.

Vitamins: Women often ignore fatigue after working all day, but it could also be the lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the body. Vitamins play an important role in women. This helps in increasing their fertility, bone strength and immunity. If this problem is not taken care of at the right time, many problems may arise in the future. Let us know why vitamins are important for women… How is deficiency of vitamins in the body detected? Due to deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals in the body of…

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raw nuts or roasted nuts which are best for health know its benefits

Consuming dry fruits is considered very beneficial for health. This keeps the body energetic and also removes weakness. Consumption of dry fruits always keeps our body healthy. But many times people remain confused whether we should eat dry fruits raw or cooked? How will its consumption be beneficial? Today in this news we will tell you how you can eat dry fruits. consume like this Dry fruits like almonds, cashews, raisins, walnuts, pistachios etc. are rich in nutrients. If small amounts of dry fruits are consumed daily, you will remain…

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