What is cold lava, how different is it from the lava coming out of a volcano?

You all know about the lava coming out of the volcano. You also know how dangerous and flammable the hot lava coming out of a volcano is. But have you ever heard of cold lava? Is it like lava coming out of a volcano? Today we will tell you what cold lava is and how dangerous it is.  Cold Lava  Knowing about cold lava First let us know why cold lava is being mentioned so much on social media at this time. In fact, the rain in Indonesia has caused…

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How deep the volcanic tunnels go into the earth know what harm it will cause

People get scared as soon as they hear the name of volcano. Because the lava coming out of the volcano has the ability to destroy areas hundreds of kilometers away from it. Do you know how many kilometers deep into the earth the volcanic tunnels go? Today we will tell you how many kilometers deep the volcanic tunnel makes its way inside. When and why does a volcano erupt? First of all let us know how a volcano erupts. Let us tell you that a volcano is a kind of…

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Why are NASA scientists saying that ice age can come due to volcanic eruption?

Till now we understood that heat increases in the atmosphere due to volcanic eruptions. But according to new research by NASA, such an explosion increases the risk of an ice age. Let us tell you in today’s article why scientists around the world, including NASA, are saying that the risk of ice age will increase on Earth due to large volcanic eruptions in the future. Greenhouse Causes of gas If a volcano explodes, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide come out from inside it. These gases are known to increase the…

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There are 40 volcanoes in this national park, tourists come from far and wide to see them.

  There are many such places in the world, which attract tourists from all over the world. There are many things in these tourist places which attract people’s attention. Similarly, in Catalonia, Spain, there is a small village named Castle Folit de la Roca, which is situated on narrow hills. Today we will tell you why this village is so famous. Village on top of the volcano This village is situated on a famous natural area, La Garrocha. You will be surprised to know that this is a village situated…

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There is a place in India where going is banned, smoke always comes out

There is a place in India where going is prohibited. Now you must be thinking that there is such a place in our country where no person can go. This place is in the Bay of Bengal, about 150 kilometers away from Port Blair, the capital of Andaman. Today we will tell you why it is forbidden to go there.  Where in Andaman? This place is about 150 kilometers away from Port Blair in Bengal. There is a volcano in Barren Island, spread over an area of ​​about three km…

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Mona Lao volcano is going to increase the heat in the world, so far it has erupted 33 times

When the Mona Lao volcano erupted a few days ago after 40 years, it worried scientists around the world. Actually, the temperature of the earth is already getting warmer, in such a situation, the sudden eruption of this volcano will increase the temperature further. However, the lava coming out of the Mona Lao volcano has not spread so much that it can cause much damage. But scientists of the United States Geological Survey say that soon this volcano will disturb the nearby towns. This volcano has erupted 33 times This…

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