Difference between ors and electoral powder health tips

Ors And Electral Powder: In case of vomiting, diarrhea or dehydration, doctors often recommend drinking ORS solution or electrolyte water. Electrolyte sachets are so common that they are present in almost every household. When there is a severe shortage of water in the body, electrolyte water or ORS solution is drunk. But are these two things the same? Do you know the difference between these two? Many people do not even know which is better between ORS solution and electrolyte water. If you do not know, then know today what…

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These 7 symptoms show that you are suffering from stomach heat. This is how to treat stomach heat.

Stomach Heat Symptoms: Stomach related problems are very common in the summer season. As the temperature rises, there is a loss of water in the body and you experience stomach problems. Because of this the person has to face a lot of discomfort. Problems like pain, burning sensation are seen in the person’s stomach. Although some people do not understand why this is happening. Actually, such a situation occurs when the heat in the stomach increases. When the heat in the stomach increases, then many other symptoms are seen. Let’s…

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Do you also get vomiting while traveling?… Know why this happens to you

Vomiting: Many people have the problem of nausea and vomiting during the journey. This causes inconvenience to the other passengers along with the person who is vomiting. Many times, not only during the journey, but there is a problem like dizziness, nervousness, nausea or vomiting for three to four days. You might have also seen many people struggling with this problem while traveling, but have you ever thought why this happens? Why do people vomit while traveling? Is it some kind of disease or is it common? Let’s know why…

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