vomiting after waking up in the morning or you vomit then you should be careful about your health

vomiting after waking up in the morning or you vomit then you should be careful about your health

When people are sick, they feel unwell and start vomiting. Many times people face this problem due to indigestion or indigestion. Many people face this problem while traveling. But, if you feel like vomiting after waking up in the morning or you vomit (Vomiting Nausea In Morning Empty Stomach Reason). Then you should be careful about your health. Come, let us tell you the reasons for vomiting on an empty stomach in the morning. These are the reasons due to which vomiting occurs as soon as you wake up in…

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Vikas Sethi had vomiting and diarrhea just before the heart attack, know if there is any connection with the stomach?

Vikas Sethi had vomiting and diarrhea just before the heart attack, know if there is any connection with the stomach?

TV actor Vikas Sethi died suddenly due to a heart attack at the age of 48. When his wife was interviewed about this, she told that Vikas Sethi’s health had deteriorated since the day before. He was suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. He was very troubled by dehydration. According to Jahnvi Sethi, wife of the actor of ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’, he was suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. He did not want to go to the hospital, so we asked the doctor to come home.  Symptoms before cardiac…

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Health tips How to avoid motion sickness in hindi

Health tips How to avoid motion sickness in hindi

How To Avoid Motion Sickness: Many people suffer from motion sickness during travel. Such people experience discomfort during travel. This problem is most commonly experienced during sea travel. However, many people also face motion sickness while traveling by car, bus or train. Due to this fear, many people start fearing to travel. According to experts, this problem occurs due to the brain receiving different messages. Medicines can also be taken to avoid motion sickness, but understanding the cause of this problem can help in taking preventive measures. Let us know…

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5 fruits you must eat to increase platelet count recovery from dengue

5 fruits you must eat to increase platelet count recovery from dengue

Dengue fever is considered very dangerous. When one gets dengue, the platelets in the body start decreasing, which leads to weakness. There is a constant urge to vomit, fever and headache. This causes the condition of the entire body to deteriorate. To recover quickly from dengue, special care needs to be taken about food and drink. Include fruits rich in vitamin C in the diet. Drink as much water as possible. Keep the body hydrated. This will help in quick recovery from dengue and the fallen platelets will also start…

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Difference between ors and electoral powder health tips

Difference between ors and electoral powder health tips

Ors And Electral Powder: In case of vomiting, diarrhea or dehydration, doctors often recommend drinking ORS solution or electrolyte water. Electrolyte sachets are so common that they are present in almost every household. When there is a severe shortage of water in the body, electrolyte water or ORS solution is drunk. But are these two things the same? Do you know the difference between these two? Many people do not even know which is better between ORS solution and electrolyte water. If you do not know, then know today what…

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This is not due to indigestion or dyspepsia; this is why you feel like vomiting as soon as you leave the bed, ignoring it can cause trouble.

5 fruits you must eat to increase platelet count recovery from dengue

Many people feel vomiting or nausea after waking up in the morning. Sometimes this may be normal, but if this happens again and again, then you should immediately consult a doctor. According to the National Institute of Health, hyperacidity occurs when there is too much acid in the stomach. In such a situation, having an empty stomach can cause vomiting. People who feel like this should avoid eating things that cause gas at night. Inflammation in the inner layer of the stomach is called gastritis. This problem can become more…

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Bells ringing in the ears, do not ignore them, a girl made a mistake, and almost saved her life.

Bells ringing in the ears, do not ignore them, a girl made a mistake, and almost saved her life.

A student living in Australia always had a ringing sound in her ears. He thought this was normal. But that day cost her her life. When her neck became stiff, she vomited and fainted. Doctors told that he had fatal meningococcal B bacterial infection. This is a very dangerous infection, which can even lead to death. According to the report of New York Post, Claudia Gil was 18 years old when meningococcal attacked her body. She had returned from a long vacation in Queensland. His ears started ringing. It was…

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Why does one vomit at the sight of food during pregnancy, why even the smell of food does not taste good? Know the reason

Why does one vomit at the sight of food during pregnancy, why even the smell of food does not taste good?  Know the reason

Pregnancy: Vomiting and nausea are considered common during pregnancy. Almost every woman has to face these problems during pregnancy. At this time he always suffers from morning sickness. Due to which they start avoiding eating anything during this period. Some women complain that in the beginning of pregnancy, they feel like vomiting even after seeing any food item for three months. Let us know whether this is normal or an indication of some problem… Why does one vomit after seeing food during pregnancy? Journals.uchicago.edu According to a research published in,…

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These 7 symptoms show that you are suffering from stomach heat. This is how to treat stomach heat.

These 7 symptoms show that you are suffering from stomach heat. This is how to treat stomach heat.

Stomach Heat Symptoms: Stomach related problems are very common in the summer season. As the temperature rises, there is a loss of water in the body and you experience stomach problems. Because of this the person has to face a lot of discomfort. Problems like pain, burning sensation are seen in the person’s stomach. Although some people do not understand why this is happening. Actually, such a situation occurs when the heat in the stomach increases. When the heat in the stomach increases, then many other symptoms are seen. Let’s…

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Do not reheat 4 foods including rice, they will become ‘poison’ as soon as they are put on the gas, we do this mistake everyday

Do not reheat 4 foods including rice, they will become ‘poison’ as soon as they are put on the gas, we do this mistake everyday

In our tradition only fresh food is always served. Doctors also believe that a person always remains free from diseases by eating fresh food. But nowadays everyone does a job. In such a situation, no one has time to sit and cook food both the times. Most of the people eat the food prepared in the morning in the evening and many times the food prepared in the evening is heated in the morning. But if you are doing this then be careful. According to experts, forgetting 4 foods including…

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