mistake in counting center then who goes to jail and for how many years know the rule

mistake in counting center then who goes to jail and for how many years know the rule

If there is any irregularity at the counting centre, you can complain. But remember that you have to complain within 24 hours. If you see a person with a weapon in his hand, or someone entering the counting area or any activity of a person which you suspect, then you should complain about it within 24 hours, i.e. as soon as you see such a person. As soon as you complain, action will be taken on your complaint immediately. Complain to the Returning Officer You can complain about this irregularity…

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Counting Centre: If you see any irregularity in the counting centre, where can you complain?

Counting Centre: If you see any irregularity in the counting centre, where can you complain?

There are many people from the opposition party who claim that there is a mistake in the counting of votes during the elections. They suspect that there is a problem with the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). If you also see any problem in the counting center, then you can file a complaint for it.  Irregularities at counting centre Before complaining, if you see someone trying to enter the counting centre, you can complain against that person. Apart from this, if a person does any kind of activity near the counting…

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