These five healthy looking foods can spoil the condition of your heart, if eaten in excess, it can cause harm

Heart patients are advised to take a healthy diet, but there are some healthy things that can have a bad effect on our heart health. If consumed for a long time, it can increase the risk of blockage, heart failure and heart attack. Ghee: Ghee contains good fats, which if consumed regularly is beneficial for our health. But if we consume more ghee than required, then heart related problems can increase rapidly, because it contains both cholesterol and triglyceride, which can cause heart attack. Flax seeds or linseeds: Flax seeds…

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Know the benefits of soaked dried fruits in the summer read full article in Hindi

Dry Fruits In Summer: It is advisable to eat dry fruits like cashews and almonds in winters so that the body remains warm in winters. But is it healthy to eat these in summers? But some people feel that eating dry fruits in summers can make the stomach hot. However, health experts and dieticians recommend eating dry fruits according to the season. Let us know which dry fruits should be eaten in summers? Dried fruits are rich in nutrients Rich in fat, protein, magnesium, iron, vitamin B and fiber, these…

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Why should one eat walnuts only after soaking them? Know why this advice is often given.

Soaked Walnuts BenefitsWalnut is a superfood which has all the properties to keep it healthy. If you soak walnuts and eat them every day, you can get double the benefits. Many diseases can be cured by this and the body can become fit and healthy. Walnuts (Soaked Walnuts Health Benefits) are rich in anti-oxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids, which are considered very beneficial. Healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals are also found in it. Meaning this is a full package of nutrients. By eating it, everything from heart health…

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Dry Fruits Side Effects eating dry fruits daily is good or not for health know more

Everyone wants to have good health, for this people go to the gym and eat fruits. But there are very few people who can keep themselves feet. If you also want to stay fit, then this news is for you. Actually, many juices, powders, medicines are available in the market, by consuming which you can stay fit. But sometimes excessive consumption becomes harmful. Now you can easily take care of your health by staying at home. Dry fruits are rich in nutrients, their consumption is very beneficial for the body.…

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Antioxidant deficiency in the body will be compensated with these veg foods

Antioxidants are very important for our body. These protect our cells and tissues and prevent many serious diseases. When our body is under stress, some harmful free radicals called free radicals are produced in it. These particles can damage cells. Antioxidants eliminate these free radicals and protect the cells. Apart from this, antioxidants also protect important substances like fats, carbohydrates and proteins from deterioration. Cancer, sugar and heart diseases can be avoided by eating food rich in antioxidants. Therefore it is very important to eat antioxidant foods. strawberryAntioxidants are found…

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What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Walnuts Every Day

Walnut Benefits: Walnut is very beneficial for health. Many types of problems are cured by its consumption. Many types of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber and healthy fats are found in walnuts which can sharpen the brain. Along with this, it boosts many memory powers. It can also be effective in removing problems like thyroid. Consuming walnuts on an empty stomach in the morning can give you many benefits. Let us know about some of its effective benefits- Benefits of eating walnuts on an empty stomach in the morning Consuming…

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Eating Walnuts In Summer Be Beneficial Or Harmful Know The Correct Answer Here

Walnuts Calories: Walnuts are typically eaten in the winter, although walnuts can still be an important part of a healthy summer diet for a few reasons. Firstly walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for good health. These fatty acids are important for maintaining healthy brain function, reducing inflammation and improving heart health, all of which are essential year-round. And secondly, walnuts are a good source of protein and fiber, which help maintain a healthy weight. are essential for keeping fit and reducing the risk…

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Cashews, Almonds or Walnuts? Know from AIIMS dietician what is better to eat

highlights Eating dry fruits or nuts is very beneficial in the winter season. AIIMS Dietician says that generally people like cashew more. More nutritious elements are found in almonds and walnuts than in cashews. Super healthy dry fruits: Although dry fruits or nuts are eaten in all seasons, but eating dry fruits especially in winter is considered very beneficial. Apart from being warming, nuts are also a strong source of protein, vitamins, calcium, potassium, fiber, zinc and minerals including high fat. In such a situation, especially in the cold season,…

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Children’s Eyes Are Weak So Feed Them These Things From Now Itself You Get Tremendous Results

Food To Improve Eyesight: Eye is an important part of our body. If this is not there then the world is dark. At the same time, in today’s technology era, the screen time of children has increased a lot. If you want to study then mobile, if you want to talk to people then mobile, the Corona period has increased its use even more. Due to this, small children are falling prey to weak eyesight, their eyesight is being negatively affected. In such a situation, some home remedies can overcome…

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Journey of taste: Walnut has thousands of years old history, beneficial for heart and bones, read interesting things

highlights Walnuts are native to North and South America, Southern Europe, Asia and the West Indies. Walnuts are hot in nature, so eating too much can cause stomach upset. Consumption of walnuts can improve the efficiency of the heart. Walnut Benefits and its History: Walnut dry fruit has reach all over the world. Even if it does not grow in a country, it reaches there due to its qualities and desire. The special minerals and vitamins found in it are considered very beneficial for the heart. It also plays its…

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