why do billionaires take salary of only one dollar Know its details and facts

why do billionaires take salary of only one dollar Know its details and facts

A question often arises regarding the salary of most billionaires and big CEOs that why do they take a salary of just one dollar, It may seem strange to see a person who owns billions of dollars in assets, Why would he only earn a yearly salary of one dollar?, So let us know the answer to this question today., Why do billionaires take only one dollar as salary?, Billionaires and big corporate CEOs often take a dollar salary to reap legal and tax benefits, One dollar of salary is…

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Apple Makes About Rs 1282 Crore Every Day Microsoft Pockets Rs 1.1 Lakh

Apple Makes About Rs 1282 Crore Every Day Microsoft Pockets Rs 1.1 Lakh

Microsoft VS Apple Net Worth 2022: Big news is coming out about the highest grossing company in the world. Apple, the maker of the iPhone, has become the most profitable company in the world. Apple company earns a profit of $ 1820 i.e. about Rs 1.58 lakh every second. If it is seen on a day-by-day basis, then the company earns a profit of $157 million i.e. around Rs 1282 crore every day. Companies earning more than $1,000 in profit every second include Microsoft, Google’s parent company Alphabet, and Warren…

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