This hotel has gold in every room and washroom, rent is in lakhs

This hotel has gold in every room and washroom, rent is in lakhs

Today, there are many luxury hotels around the world. The rent of one day in these luxury hotels is lakhs of rupees. But today we are going to tell you about a hotel in the world, in which gold has been used in every item and room. Yes, there is gold everywhere in this hotel. Know where is the world’s most expensive hotel and what is its rent. Luxury Hotel There is no dearth of luxury hotels around the world. But today we are going to tell you about a…

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washroom decoration give a luxury look to normal washroom follow these special tips

washroom decoration give a luxury look to normal washroom follow these special tips

Everyone has a desire to make everything from the living room to the bathroom in the house absolutely luxurious. But due to lack of budget, the wishes of some people remain unfulfilled. If you also want to make the washroom of your house a luxury, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you about some such tips, by following which you can easily make your washroom luxury. Let us know about those tips. Follow these tips Washrooms like big luxury hotels will now be available at your…

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