What insurance do you get if your car drowns in a natural disaster? Know the rules

With the onset of monsoon, heavy rain is falling in many areas of the country. Some videos of the capital Delhi and Uttarakhand are going viral on social media. In which it is seen that after heavy rain, many cars are floating in water. In such a situation, the question is whether insurance is available from the insurance company if the car drowns or gets damaged in a natural disaster like rain, flood. Rain With the onset of monsoon, heavy rain is falling in many areas of the country. Due…

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child care tips after how many months should newborn be given water

Newborn Baby Care Tips: Taking care of a new born baby is not an easy task. Special care has to be taken from their sleeping and waking to breastfeeding. It is advisable to feed the new born baby with mother’s milk every two hours. Caution also has to be taken regarding their feeding (Newborn Baby Food Tips). Many people start giving water to the child soon after birth, which can be dangerous. In such a situation, today we will know from the doctor that after how many days of birth…

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How long can a person survive by drinking only water?

Food is very important for our life. A person cannot survive on the strength of sun rays and air alone. To keep the body functioning, one has to take nutritious food, But imagine if a person is faced with such a situation that he does not get any food and has to survive only on water, then how long will he survive? ? Many people go on hunger strike for political and social demands, During this period they give up food and depend on water. Let us know today that…

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Overhead is not good for health, know the health risk of drinking more water

Drinking water is beneficial but some people drink water even when they are not thirsty. Without knowing whether it is beneficial or harmful. Actually, water is the most important element for the body. It helps the body in absorbing minerals, vitamins, amino acids and glucose. Drinking water is beneficial but some people drink water even when they are not thirsty. Without knowing whether it is beneficial or harmful. Actually, water is the most important element for the body. It helps the body in absorbing minerals, vitamins, amino acids and glucose.…

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health salt water bath benefits in hindi benefits of bathing with salt water

Salt Water Bath : Try taking a bath by adding just one spoon of salt in a bucket of warm water. You can get rid of many problems. This is an ancient and great technique. Actually, minerals like magnesium, calcium, sodium present in salt protect the body from many types of infections. Taking a bath with salt water in the morning (Salt Water Bath Benefits) keeps you active throughout the day. The scientific name of bath salt is magnesium sulfate, which is made up of magnesium-sulfur. It is also called…

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There are no rivers in these countries, know where people here get water from

Everyone on earth, be it human or animal, needs oxygen and water to survive. No person can survive without oxygen and water. But do you know that there are many countries around the world where there is not a single river or lake. Today we will tell you from where the people living in such places get water.   Water Water is an important part of life, life cannot be imagined without it. But there are many countries where there is not a single natural river. The people living in…

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health tips how many days can you survive without water know dehydration side effects

Water Intake : Water is a necessity for the human body. A certain amount of water helps the body to function properly. Life cannot be imagined without it. A person can survive for many days without food but it is difficult without water. In such a situation, a question arises that how many days can a person live without water (Life Without Water), what can happen due to lack of water. Let us know in detail… what happens due to lack of waterWhen a person’s body is dehydrated, he feels…

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after all why is water filled in tractor tires how much water does it provide in farming

Let us tell you that about 60–80% water can be filled in tractor tyres. This process is called ballasting of tyres. According to experts, sometimes water is filled in tyres to increase the load for traction or to bring the centre of gravity of an agricultural machine closer to the ground. Water can be filled in both tubed and tubeless tyres. Let us tell you that the valves of agricultural tyres are of “air and water type”. Sometimes antifreeze is also mixed in this water. Because in cold regions where…

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water allergy: what is aquagenic urticaria and its symptoms

Allergy to water: There are many types of people in the world who get allergic to everyday things and weather. Some are allergic to peanuts, some to soil. And many people also become victims of allergy when the weather changes. But have you heard that someone can also be allergic to water? You will be surprised to know that many people in the world can also be allergic to water. Today we are telling you some strange things about this allergy called Aquagenic Urticaria. Why does one get allergic to…

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Hot water also comes from your tank, you can cool the water in these ways

There is severe heat across the country. In some states, the situation is such that the temperature is going above 45 degrees, due to which even the water tanks kept on the roofs are getting hot. From 11 am to late evening, hot water is coming out of the tap. Due to which people have to take bath in boiling water. But do you know how you can cool this water? Today we will tell you how you can get relief from boiling water. boiling water In summers, one cannot…

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