Why is it difficult to stop toilet when pressure builds up? You will be surprised to know this connection between bladder and brain

Why is it difficult to stop toilet when pressure builds up?  You will be surprised to know this connection between bladder and brain

When traveling or in the middle of a special meeting, we often follow some precautions so that we do not have to go to the toilet. But sometimes it happens that the toilet gets clogged. At the same time, it has also been said in many researches that if you control the natural things of the body, then you may face many health related problems. According to the news published in ‘Indian Express’, think of your bladder like a balloon. As soon as the toilet gets filled, it starts giving…

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Weak hand grip can be a sign of many serious diseases, read the full study

Weak hand grip can be a sign of many serious diseases, read the full study

Weak grip of hands can be a sign not only of weakness but also of many serious diseases. Doctors in Delhi have revealed in a research that people with weak hand grip are always at risk of type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney, liver diseases, cancer, muscle weakness and broken bones.   This special test must be done after 18 years of age. According to the news published in Times of India, weak hand grip can be a sign of many diseases. Can. People with weak grip are more likely…

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