imd gave an alert of heat wave and hailstorm in some cities know what is the weather around your city

imd gave an alert of heat wave and hailstorm in some cities know what is the weather around your city

Weather Prediction: There is severe heat in the country these days. The heat has made life difficult for people. Till a few days ago the weather condition was normal. But the temperature has been increasing for the last 3-4 days. But according to the Meteorological Department, people seem to be getting relief in the next few days. According to the forecast of the Meteorological Department, there may be rain in different parts of the country in the next few days. So, heat wave has been predicted in some states. Let…

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It is cold and rainy in February, this weather is good for farmers

It is cold and rainy in February, this weather is good for farmers

Weather plays an important role for farmers in terms of crops. Because crops depend a lot on weather and environment. The month of February is going on and it has started raining in this month. The cold level has also not reduced much. In such a situation, there is a possibility of farmers getting benefit from this rain and cold or there is a possibility of loss. Let us know in this news. How is the weather for farmers? Weather is very important for farmers. Because it has a huge…

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