wedding drama

The bride and groom were standing at the wedding, the firecracker seller made a mistake, the groom gave such a reaction, people were surprised

Many times people's strange reactions make headlines on social media. It doesn't take long for…

One brother attracted everyone’s attention by proposing to his girlfriend at the wedding, the other brother took such revenge, people said, wow!

What don't people do to attract others' attention? People want that everyone's attention should be…

The girl wanted a white dress for the wedding, but the fiance wanted a red one, the bride-to-be was stunned after hearing the argument

Wedding dress has great importance for a bride preparing for her wedding. She likes a…

The wedding preparations were complete, then the fiance made a joke, then the woman did something like this, the groom was surprised

Not getting married may not seem as strange as breaking up a marriage. Often, at…