This monkey frog lives on trees next to monkeys know its specialty

This monkey frog lives on trees next to monkeys know its specialty

Many species of frogs are very unique. One of these is the monkey frog, which belongs to the family of leaf or tree frogs. However, these frogs are not found everywhere. Currently, they are found in South America. You must have noticed that frogs often like to live in water. But the frog we are going to tell you about today, this Waxy Monkey Tree Frog, lives on trees and eats insects. Its biggest specialty is said to be its ability to adapt itself to the environment. Two-thirds of their…

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Do you get money by selling garbage? This woman earned lakhs of rupees by selling garbage

Do you get money by selling garbage? This woman earned lakhs of rupees by selling garbage

Garbage comes out of every house. In simple words, wherever a person lives, garbage comes out from there. But have you thought that a person can earn lakhs of rupees by selling garbage. Yes, today we are going to tell you about a woman who has earned lakhs of rupees by selling garbage. Know how this woman made lakhs of rupees from garbage.  Garbage Today, garbage is a global problem all over the world. Every country is working at its own level to deal with it. But have you thought…

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A part of the brain sleeps when a person is awake know how it works

A part of the brain sleeps when a person is awake know how it works

The brain is an important part of the human body. But have you ever wondered how long the human brain remains active and how it works? Today we will tell you how different parts of the brain work and which part remains active while sleeping. human body The brain is an important part of the human body. A research conducted in America has revealed surprising results. This research revealed that when we are awake, a small part of our brain takes a nap. But this same part keeps waking up…

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This is the world’s strangest tea, somewhere tea is made from cow dung and somewhere from tomatoes

This is the world’s strangest tea, somewhere tea is made from cow dung and somewhere from tomatoes

Tea lovers are found all over the world including India. Some people start their morning with tea. Be it summer or winter, tea lovers drink several cups of tea throughout the day. But today we will tell you about some such strange teas, which you would have never heard of before. Yes, this tea is completely different from the tea you drink. Know what all things these strange teas are made from. Strange Tea There is no dearth of tea lovers in India. Tea lovers go far and wide in…

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When chimpanzees fall ill they treat themselves know which medicinal plants they use

This monkey frog lives on trees next to monkeys know its specialty

A research team comprising researchers from Oxford University and Europe, Japan, Uganda has found that chimpanzees use more medicinal plants than other animals. According to the study published in the journal PLOL One, 17 samples from 13 plant species were taken which were used by chimpanzees. In fact, for this research, 4 months were spent in Uganda’s Budongo forest to observe 2 chimpanzee communities. During this time, out of 170 chimpanzees from both communities, the researchers found 51 chimpanzees suffering from bacterial infection and inflammation. During the research, they were…

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When and how was the spoon invented? The first spoon was made of this metal.

When and how was the spoon invented? The first spoon was made of this metal.

A spoon is present in every Indian’s house. It is not possible to work in the home kitchen without a spoon. But have you ever wondered where the spoon was first invented? Today we will tell you when and where the spoon was first used.  Spoon The kitchen remains incomplete without a spoon. Seeing its usefulness in the kitchen, it seems that it has been present among us for centuries. But when we try to trace its history, a very interesting story emerges. According to a report by ACSilver, archaeological…

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When there were no banks, how did people keep their jewelery safe, such lockers were built in forests and mountains.

When there were no banks, how did people keep their jewelery safe, such lockers were built in forests and mountains.

Today every person keeps his valuables safe in the locker room of the bank. But have you ever wondered where people kept their valuables safe when there were no banks? Because even at that time there were robbers and dacoits. Today we will tell you where earlier people used to keep their belongings safe. Due to which robbers and dacoits could not be seen. Lockers were found in the homes of all those who had money at that time. There used to be a safe. Those people used to keep…

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Couple was renovating the bathroom, love letters were found buried inside, everyone was stunned to read what was written.

Couple was renovating the bathroom, love letters were found buried inside, everyone was stunned to read what was written.

Buying a house is everyone’s dream. For this a person works hard. Many people spend their entire life in collecting down payment. But many people are lucky, who have their own house. Which parents or other family members had already made years ago. However, sometimes it is so old that it needs cleaning or dismantling. When it is broken, often some things come out about which we are not aware. Same thing happened with a person in America also. Was renovating the bathroom in a decades old house. Then such…

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