Your heart will tremble, you will shiver, this is what the narrowest city looks like, such buildings are built on the river bank!

If you are asked whether you know about any city which is considered the narrowest in the world? Surely, most people will not know about it. But today we are going to tell you about one such city, where the heart of those who go there will tremble. There will be shivers every moment. This is because this city is situated on both sides of a river flowing between the mountains. Because of this, it has also got the status of the narrowest city. But this city is also not…

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The ‘dirtiest city’ is full of cockroaches, where you can get sick even if you breathe, know where is this city?

If you think that all the cities of a developed country like America are very nice and clean, then you are not right. There is an American city which is known for its dirtiness. It is said that insects keep crawling in its houses and it is so bad that you can get sick even by breathing in its air. In a survey, it has been described as one of the dirtiest cities in America. In a 2023 study by Lawnstarter, over 150 of the largest cities in states were…

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It is called the city of spirits or zombie town, people here consider themselves lucky to be alive!

City of ghosts, village of vampires! You must have heard such names a lot, but in a corner of the world, there is indeed a city which is called Zombie Town or City of Spirits. The interesting thing is that there is no ghost of any kind here. Neither are stories of ghosts or zombies popular here. The reason for this is also very simple, due to which this city has been given such names. People consider themselves very lucky if they are alive and the reason for all this…

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The intention was to build a luxurious city, now only dead fish are seen here, people call it the city of doom.

The city of Palm Springs, California is a resort city famous for its luxury residential homes. There was a time when another area in the same state of America was dubbed “the next Palm Springs”, but now this doomed place has been abandoned and the smell of dead fish is everywhere. The shrinking Salton Sea in Imperial County was once considered a tourist destination, but has now become host to deadly algae blooms, harmful air and an endless stream of dust. In fact, the amount of brown-beige dust in the…

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The world’s most crowded city, where dog meat, beautiful beauties were sold, was a den of drugs, now…

Many cities in the world are destroyed either due to war or natural disaster. But there is also a city which was destroyed due to strange reasons. The walled city of 50,000 residents, many of which had no windows, was eventually torn down after protests over rising crime rates. Kowloon Walled City was a lawless place in Hong Kong where prostitution, drug dealing and gambling were rampant. Was. There was not much food here, and one of the most popular dishes used to be dog meat curry. 50,000 residents lived…

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