Weird city

Your heart will tremble, you will shiver, this is what the narrowest city looks like, such buildings are built on the river bank!

If you are asked whether you know about any city which is considered the narrowest…

The ‘dirtiest city’ is full of cockroaches, where you can get sick even if you breathe, know where is this city?

If you think that all the cities of a developed country like America are very…

It is called the city of spirits or zombie town, people here consider themselves lucky to be alive!

City of ghosts, village of vampires! You must have heard such names a lot, but…

The intention was to build a luxurious city, now only dead fish are seen here, people call it the city of doom.

The city of Palm Springs, California is a resort city famous for its luxury residential…

The world’s most crowded city, where dog meat, beautiful beauties were sold, was a den of drugs, now…

Many cities in the world are destroyed either due to war or natural disaster. But…