Your heart will tremble, you will shiver, this is what the narrowest city looks like, such buildings are built on the river bank!

If you are asked whether you know about any city which is considered the narrowest in the world? Surely, most people will not know about it. But today we are going to tell you about one such city, where the heart of those who go there will tremble. There will be shivers every moment. This is because this city is situated on both sides of a river flowing between the mountains. Because of this, it has also got the status of the narrowest city. But this city is also not…

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Do You Know: The army of this country rapes women, children are pushed into prostitution!

There are many such dangerous countries all over the world, where living means dying everyday in agony. One such country is the Democratic Republic of Congo located in Central Africa. The condition of this country was very scary, however, even today its condition has not improved much. Although the Civil War in Congo had ended here only in July 2003, but violent incidents continue to happen in many areas here. In such a situation, including rape, extortion, human trafficking, prostitution, weapons in the hands of children, rampant corruption, the condition…

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