This is amazing! A cockroach entered the nose, the person did not even know, the secret was revealed by the bad breath

This is amazing! A cockroach entered the nose, the person did not even know, the secret was revealed by the bad breath

Many of us have the habit of sleeping so unconsciously that we do not even realize that our mouth was left open in our sleep. Some people even get up and start walking in their sleep or fall from their own bed and we do not even realize it. Despite this, if any insect starts crawling on our body, we do get to know a little bit. Some people are not even aware of this. You must have heard and seen incidents of something going inside when the mouth is…

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Chinese doctors removed unborn twin from baby girl brain after 1 year

Chinese doctors removed unborn twin from baby girl brain after 1 year

Many types of strange medical cases are seen in the world. Some of these cases make people wonder how this could happen? One such strange case is in discussion these days on social media. In this, doctors took out a four-inch fetus from inside the skull of a one-year-old girl. This fetus was growing inside the skull of the baby girl. This case, published in the journal Neurology of the American Academy of Neurology, has surprised people. In this news published in the journal, not much information has been given…

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