Parents do not let their children go out after dark, situation is worse than Bihar, this danger looms!

Do you remember Bihar of the 90s? During that time, criminals ruled Bihar. No one could say what would happen to whom. People were so terrified that they would hide in their homes as soon as evening fell. But now Bihar has changed. Crime has not stopped, but people roam around fearlessly even late at night. But today we are going to tell you about a city, knowing about which you will again remember the Bihar of the 90s. But don’t worry, this city is not in our country, but…

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Fell in love with a man of great grandfather’s age, gave such a dialogue in the video, people got dizzy on hearing it!

Is it right to stoop to any level to make a video viral? Can calling a man your great-grandfather’s age as your husband or a woman your grandmother’s age as your wife prove to be entertaining? Absolutely not. This can only be a vulgar and cruel joke. But people resort to such fake relationships to make themselves the star of Instagram reels. Many people do not even hesitate to share obscene videos with small children. What will they achieve by gaining such popularity? When people start making vulgar comments to…

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‘My mother-in-law loves only her son, considers me her co-wife’! Daughter-in-law makes dirty allegations against husband’s mother!

The relationship between mother and son is one of the most sacred relationships in the world. For the happiness of her children, any mother can go to any extent. She takes care of her son since childhood, spends time with him, and wants to do the same in her growing age. In this process, sometimes she scolds her daughter-in-law as well. She even pampers her grown-up son like many small children. But in this process, many times misunderstandings also happen. One such woman has made dirty allegations against her mother-in-law.…

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‘Urfi’s brother’ came out in the market wearing a ‘maroon underwear’ vest and a towel wrapped underneath, this is what happened to the girls!

Who doesn’t know Urfi Javed? She is often captured in paparazzi’s camera in weird clothes. Sometimes she is seen in a sack dress, and sometimes she goes out anywhere just by wrapping a thread. Most people criticize Urfi because of such weird dress, but some people probably also consider her as their role model. Maybe that’s why they also go viral on social media by wearing clothes like Urfi. Today we are going to show you one such video, after watching which you will laugh out loud. Seeing the way…

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The girl was standing at the airport with the garland in her hand, was waiting for the groom, did this as soon as she saw him

A video is going viral on social media, in which a girl reached the airport to welcome her future groom. The girl had taken her friends and relatives along with her. The name of the girl seen in the video is Arya Vora. As soon as Arya saw her future husband coming from a distance, she ran and quickly put a garland around his neck. Before that, she also gave him a rose flower while sitting on her knees. Arya also had a poster of ‘Welcome Dulhan Raja’ in her…

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This woman earned 58 lakhs in 6 months without a job! You can do this work, you can earn a lot of money!

The number of unemployed people in India is very high. It is not necessary that you get a job despite having several degrees. In such a situation, people keep looking for some or the other way to earn money. Some open a shop, some become an insurance agent. But the earnings are so low that these people are not able to fulfill their dreams. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about an American woman, who is earning lakhs of rupees every month just by roaming…

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The next night of the wedding, the bride unknowingly did such a thing, as soon as she reached home, she was embarrassed when she came to her senses!

Marriage is such a sacred bond in which two people become one. They promise to stay together for life. They stay together in every happiness and sorrow. That is why some people party a lot in the joy of marriage. Some people go for a trip somewhere far away, while some people party a lot with their friends in a famous bar nearby. They not only eat and drink in the party, but also dance to the music beats. Alcohol is also served in abundance. Some people control themselves, but…

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First she placed her feet on 2 pots, then glass and bottle on her head, the woman in blue sari started dancing like this, you will be surprised to see!

There are some people around the world who want to make their identity in a different way. In such a situation, some do Murga Dance, while some want to become popular by singing out of tune like Dhinchak Pooja. At the same time, some people adopt some other method. One such video is going viral on social media, after watching which you will also be surprised. You will think what will this woman in blue saree be able to achieve by doing this? Actually, this woman has shown her dancing…

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An animal was caught in the clutches of 3 crocodiles in the river, one had grabbed it tightly, then a miracle happened, it survived like this!

It is said that one should not make an enemy of a crocodile while living in water. This is because one cannot tell when it will attack its prey and make it its prey in no time. But this saying is not true every time. Sometimes the crocodile itself becomes the prey, and sometimes the prey escapes from its clutches very easily. One such video is going viral on social media, in which a wildebeest, an animal of the deer species, gets trapped in the clutches of 3 crocodiles. That…

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A person reaches a foreign country in ten steps, has breakfast in Canada and dinner in America, how?

There are many such places around the world, which are surprising to know about. It is difficult to believe the existence of those places at first. But after knowing the reality, everyone is shocked. Today we are going to tell you about one such place. If you are asked if you know about the world’s smallest international bridge? Perhaps most people will not know about this. But let us tell you that the person living where this bridge is built can have breakfast in Canada and dinner in America as…

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