Was there one person who was the ancestor of all people with blue eyes? Unique research gave the answer and made a big claim!

Can the color of the eyes be related to the lineage? Do people with the same color of eyes have the same ancestors? Till now this question was rejected outright. But in a new study, scientists have found something else which can surprise you. Based on the new results, they claim that the ancestor of every person in the world with blue eyes can be one person. Research led by Professor Hans Eberg of the Cellular and Molecular Biology Department of the University of Copenhagen identified a gene mutation that…

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AI models can be easily hacked, the testing results surprised, yet the government did not reveal their names – AI models found vulnerable to basic hacking can give harmful result yet UK govt did not reveal their names

UK government researchers have found that the systems used to protect AI chatbots are not secure. They can easily bypass cybersecurity circles. This means that all AI-based chatbots are more vulnerable to issuing illegal, toxic or explicit responses. That is, they can be easily tampered with through such instructions. Or they can be made to produce the wrong results. The UK’s AI Safety Institute (AISI) said the systems it tested were highly vulnerable to jailbreak. Jailbreak is a hacking method that aims to circumvent the ethical safeguards of AI models…

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Mystery revealed, how did the heavy rocks reach the pyramids of Egypt? Revealed through radar pictures!

The Egyptian pyramids are more of a mystery than a wonder. For hundreds of years, scientists have not been able to find out many questions related to the pyramids. In this, what was the purpose behind building the pyramids? How were such huge and heavy stones transported to the construction site for the pyramids? Questions like. But a new study claims that the mystery of the pyramids has finally been solved, as researchers have discovered something special near one of the structures. Scientists believe that the intention would have been…

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The planet is full of iron gas, scientists were studying its eclipse, the rainbow-like sight shocked them

Many natural phenomena that occur on Earth also occur on other planets in the solar system. But it especially attracts attention if this happens on a planet outside the solar system. Whereas if this incident is the formation of a rainbow then it is even more surprising. Scientists have recently found evidence indicating the presence of something like a rainbow on an exoplanet. Which has also confused the scientists a lot. “Glory” is a phenomenon that occurs when light hits clouds made of uniform materials in the form of spherical…

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Do you know? The colors on the faces of chickens change according to their emotions, you can also read them.

Have you ever noticed that along with the expressions of chickens, there are some changes in their faces too. Probably not. Did you know you can read a chicken’s emotions? If you are told that the color of a person’s face changes with emotions, but the color of the face of a chicken changes. Yes, they have a surprising way of showing their emotions, when they are upset their faces turn deep red. This surprising result has been found in a research. A revolutionary study has confirmed this, opening up…

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