Weird science discovery

Chimpanzees treat themselves quickly, whether they are injured or have a serious illness; shocking revelation by scientists!

According to scientists, wild chimpanzees eat plants with pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties to heal themselves.…

Big claim regarding Uranus and Neptune, were thought to be icy for 4 decades, new study said, there is something else

In 1980, the Voyager spacecraft made a big revelation about the two important planets of…

Scientists found fossils in film style, millions of years old creatures were found in such a condition, you were stunned to see them

Scientists study all types of organisms in depth, sometimes it becomes very difficult to obtain…

A man was walking with a dog, a strange thing hit his leg, after finding out he kept the truth hidden from the world for 2 years

Sometimes some searches turn out to be strange. The same thing happened when a French…