Weird tradition around the world lithuania midsummer festival unmarried women wash face with dew light bonfire

Weird tradition around the world lithuania midsummer festival unmarried women wash face with dew light bonfire

There are as many weird traditions around the world as there are people in the world. In this world divided into caste, religion, community, people’s beliefs and customs change at every step. Not only this, their festivals are also different. Now the festivals are different, so the methods related to them will also be different. Today we are going to tell you about the special tradition related to the European country Lithuania (Lithuania midsummer folk festival) and the special festival here. In Lithuania, a special festival called Midsummers Festival or…

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Weird tradition around the world tharu tribe women kick plate to serve food to men

Weird tradition around the world tharu tribe women kick plate to serve food to men

Whether to serve food to a guest who comes to the house or to give a plate of food to the family members, people respectfully keep it in front of the diner. Even when food is given to a needy person, a plate is served in front of him by holding it with his hands, but have you ever heard that a woman served the plate by kicking her husband with her foot! (Women kick plate to serve food) Of course it sounds very shameful to hear, but in reality…

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Women do not wear clothes for 5 days in this village weird tradition around world women without clothes

Women do not wear clothes for 5 days in this village weird tradition around world women without clothes

Weird Tradition Around The World: The world is very big and people in every corner have their own traditions and customs. Some customs are observed only around us and some are such that we are stunned to hear them. You would often see only women following such traditions. For example, in African tribes, women have to be beaten by men and it is not customary to wear clothes. You will be surprised to know that such traditions are found not only in far-flung tribes but also in our country, which…

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Here even the dead have to pay the rent, if there is a delay in paying the rent, the dead body is taken out of the grave!

Here even the dead have to pay the rent, if there is a delay in paying the rent, the dead body is taken out of the grave!

Weird Tradition Around the World: The world is very big and here different types of customs (Amazing Traditions of Countries) are followed in different countries. Some of these traditions are very strange. Even in today’s era, there are some such traditions, knowing which you may not be able to believe at once, but they are followed in some corner of this world. Tribal customs present in different parts of the world make you think, but you will be surprised to know that there is such a place in this world,…

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