Why are the buttons on different sides of men’s and women’s shirts? Very few people know the reason. You will be surprised to know.

Many times, many things happen in our life for which there is no reason for happening, but still the story behind their happening is very strange. Many times these reasons disappear, but the tradition persists. The best example of this is the design of jeans pants, many of which are being followed as a tradition. Something similar happens with the buttons of men’s and women’s shirts. Very few people are able to notice that the buttons of men’s and women’s shirts are on different sides and if you come to…

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Here the new bride gives the plate of food not with her hands but with her feet, the husband eats with his head on her forehead

India It is said about, ‘Water changes at every mile, speech changes at every four miles’ i.e. water changes at every mile and speech changes at every four miles in the country. Similarly, not only in different states of the country, but also within each state, different traditions are seen in marriages. Many times, the values ​​and customs of the people in the same area are completely different. Some of these rituals appear quite strange. These different customs create their own distinct identity for the communities. One such tribal community…

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Women do not wear clothes for 5 days in this village weird tradition around world women without clothes

Weird Tradition Around The World: The world is very big and people in every corner have their own traditions and customs. Some customs are observed only around us and some are such that we are stunned to hear them. You would often see only women following such traditions. For example, in African tribes, women have to be beaten by men and it is not customary to wear clothes. You will be surprised to know that such traditions are found not only in far-flung tribes but also in our country, which…

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People don’t even leave the ashes of the last rites of their relatives, people here make soup and drink it, this tradition is strange!

Weird Traditions Around the World: Different types of people live in the world and there are traditions associated with each region. Some of these customs are still fine, but in many places something happens that we get scared on hearing. A similar tradition related to the funeral is played in the South American tribe Yanomani, which is so strange that it will shock people. Although this is absolutely normal for these people. The customs associated with birth and death differ in every society and community. Although some things are the…

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Father marries the daughter he gave birth to, this strange tradition will surprise you!

Weird Traditions Around the World: There are many places in the world that we know about, while there are some places about which we know less. Especially where tribal people live, people have less information about such places. In such a situation, there are enough to surprise in the strange traditions here. A similar practice is going on in the Mandi tribe of Bangladesh, under which the daughter is married to her own father. This is not a new thing for the Mandi tribe of Bangladesh, where daughters are married…

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Being bald themselves, brides look for grooms with long hair. Very strange to hear, but tradition is …

Bride Shaves Head Before Marriage: Usually you must have seen that people start preparing months in advance to look beautiful in their wedding. Boys and girls take different treatments for this, so that their face and hair look perfect. However, there is a place in the world where there is no such preparation for marriage, rather girls (Girls Shaves Head Before Wedding) also get their hair shaved. You must be finding it very strange but this is the custom. The customs of the tribes (Weird Traditions Around The World) are…

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OMG: The woman started licking her face as soon as she gave birth, the viewers were stunned, then the important reason was told

For a mother, her child is the dearest. But you never know how you will react when your baby is born. You will laugh, cry or maybe you react in both ways at the same time. But can you think of licking a baby? That too when he was born immediately. Sounds strange doesn’t it? You will be stunned after seeing the photo. But let us tell you that this is a common practice in Tibetan and Inuit culture. Brazilian photographer Ludi Sequeria has taken some pictures. In this, a…

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