Weird Traditions Around the World

They take out the dead bodies from the grave, put new clothes on them and give them cigarettes to smoke! This funeral tradition is very strange!

There are more beliefs in the world than the number of countries. In different countries,…

These women have necks as long as giraffes, why do they wear rings around their necks? You will be shocked to know the reason!

There are more beliefs in the world than the number of countries. Even today, there…

People lay down in front of cows running on the road, cattle passed by climbing over them, shocking video went viral

India is a country of faith. Faith is because here man not only worships God…

Women do not wear clothes for 5 days in this village weird tradition around world women without clothes

Weird Tradition Around The World: The world is very big and people in every corner…

People don’t even leave the ashes of the last rites of their relatives, people here make soup and drink it, this tradition is strange!

Weird Traditions Around the World: Different types of people live in the world and there…

Father marries the daughter he gave birth to, this strange tradition will surprise you!

Weird Traditions Around the World: There are many places in the world that we know…

Being bald themselves, brides look for grooms with long hair. Very strange to hear, but tradition is …

Bride Shaves Head Before Marriage: Usually you must have seen that people start preparing months…

Here the father can marry the daughter, but cannot shake hands with a non-man; This strange law will surprise you!

Here the father can marry the daughter, but cannot shake hands with a non-man; This…

People race here sitting on the toilet seat, the strange custom started 40 years ago! The reason is also very unique

Weird Traditions Around the World: All the countries of the world have their own different…