Eating protein-rich food after intermittent fasting has a wonderful effect on the intestines, study revealed

According to recent research, eating protein paced diet after intermittent fasting leads to rapid weight loss. Researchers found that intermittent fasting and eating protein keeps the gut healthy and also improves the microbiome significantly. It also keeps digestion healthy. It also provides relief from stomach related problems. According to a report published in ‘Nature Communications’, 41 participants were included in this research. Those who were overweight were given this type of diet for 8 weeks. In this report the participants were divided into two groups Intermittent fasting and protein pacing…

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What is the difference between emotional eating and mindful eating? which of the two is better

Food is an important part of our lives, but sometimes our eating habits are influenced by our emotions. "emotional eating" And "mindful eating" There are two words that describe the way we eat, but there is a big difference between the two. In emotional eating, people eat due to their emotions, such as stress, sadness, or boredom. In this, food comes as a consolation or emotional relief. Mindful eating, on the other hand, promotes awareness and understanding of food. In this, we eat food while being completely conscious of it.…

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What is the difference between sugar and sugar? Know what food will be more beneficial

Sweet things like jaggery, sugar and sugar are always present in our kitchen, which give a special taste to our daily drinks and sweets. Without them, the sweetness of our food and the happiness of life seem less. Be it hot tea in the morning or sweets made on any special occasion, the use of sugar in all these is very essential. But, do you know what is the difference between sugar and sugar? Often many of us consider these two to be the same, let us know what is…

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Urine Color Tells How Is Your Health Such Color Can Be A Sign Of These Diseases

Urine Color Symptoms: Whenever there is something wrong with our health, then its effect starts appearing in the body slowly. Just as we know from all these things that we are going to fall ill, we can identify many types of diseases on the basis of the color of urine. The color of urine tells many things about your health. Drinking less water usually results in dark colored yellow urine, while red colored urine can be cancer. There are many causes of pink, brown, purple, or milky urine, including the…

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Slow Down Method Applying Brake On These Works Rid All Stress And Tension Know Wellness Astro Special

Wellness: In this race of competition, everyone’s life has become full of rush. While there are physical problems due to this, there is no less mental danger as well. It mainly causes depression and stress. To get rid of this, there is a need to put brakes on some work and there is a need to adopt your ‘slow down method’. What is Slow Down Method Here, taking a break in work does not mean that you get free from your schedule or spend less time with friends and family.…

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