Beating to death on suspicion of eating beef lynching in India carries death penalty

Beating to death on suspicion of eating beef lynching in India carries death penalty

In India, some news or the other keeps coming out about beef. Recently, in the midst of the assembly elections in Haryana, a migrant was beaten to death in Charkhi Dadri on the charge of eating beef. According to the information, the members of the Gau Raksha Dal have been accused of this beating. But do you know what is the law regarding lynching in India, due to which the accused get severe punishment. what is the matter In the midst of the assembly elections in Haryana, a migrant was…

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Where does the funeral take place when an astronaut dies in space, what are the rules

Where does the funeral take place when an astronaut dies in space, what are the rules

The world of space is full of mysteries. Space agencies around the world are working to solve these mysteries. For this, many countries of the world, including the American Space Agency NASA and the Indian Space Agency ISRO, send their astronauts into space. Now the question is that if an astronaut dies in space due to any reason, then where and how is his last rites performed.  Space Mission Most countries in the world send astronauts into space for different missions. Astronauts face many dangers while being sent into space,…

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Which countries of the world have reservation system On what basis is reservation available in other countries

Which countries of the world have reservation system On what basis is reservation available in other countries

Reservation is a big issue in India. You must have noticed that many leaders give different statements about reservation, especially during elections. But do you know that apart from India, in which other countries of the world reservation is there and on what basis reservation is given there? Know on what basis the reservation system is applicable in which countries of the world. Reservation In India, there is a system of reservation on the basis of caste. But do you know in which countries other than India there is a…

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In these countries women have the freedom to have more than one husband know what are the rules

In these countries women have the freedom to have more than one husband know what are the rules

You must have seen in many countries that a woman has many husbands. But in which countries is it a rule that women can have more than one husband? Today we will tell you in which countries women have the freedom to have more than one husband. The tradition of having more than one husband There is a tradition of having more than one husband in some countries of the world. Here women can marry multiple husbands. This tradition exists in some areas of India as well. Jaunsar Bawar in…

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