health tips heart attacks happen suddenly without warning know facts

health tips heart attacks happen suddenly without warning know facts

Heart Attack Myths : Heart attack remains a challenge for the whole world. Cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly in India too. Especially the youth are getting more vulnerable to it. The main reason for this is bad lifestyle and poor eating habits. Due to this the heart is not able to become strong. Apart from this, factors like pollution are also responsible for this. However, there are many misconceptions about heart attack. One of which is that heart attack always comes suddenly, there are no signs of it.…

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The color of the face is changing or there is swelling…be alert immediately, a heart attack may occur!

The color of the face is changing or there is swelling…be alert immediately, a heart attack may occur!

Pre Heart Attack Signs : Bad food habits and lifestyle are ruining the health of the heart. This has increased the risk of heart disease. Now not only the elderly but also the youth are becoming victims of heart attack. Heart attack occurs when blood circulation in the heart decreases and stops. Before a heart attack occurs, the body starts giving warning signs. Many people ignore it, which can be dangerous. Signs of heart attack are visible on many parts of the body as well as on the face. If…

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