health tips constipation can be a warning sign of heart attack be aware

health tips constipation can be a warning sign of heart attack be aware

Signs of a Heart Attack : If you are not careful about heart attack, it can be fatal. That is why doctors forbid doing anything that increases the risk of heart attack. Before heart problems occur, many types of signs start appearing in the body, by paying attention to them you can get timely treatment. You must have heard about many symptoms of heart attack, but do you know that constipation can also be a warning sign of it? Actually, constipation or not having a clear stomach can also be…

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After having a heart attack once, there is no risk of having it again? Know what is the truth

After having a heart attack once, there is no risk of having it again? Know what is the truth

Heart Attack Myth Fact : Heart is as important an organ of our body as it is delicate. If its health deteriorates, it can end our life. Usually, most of the heart related problems occur in old age but nowadays even the youth are getting affected by it. Heart related problems are increasing due to problems like lifestyle, health conditions, environment. There are many kinds of confusions among people regarding this. Regarding such things.Myth Vs Facts is a special presentation of ABP Live Hindi. ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’‘ is trying…

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