health tips cervical cancer causes symptoms treatment in hindi

health tips cervical cancer causes symptoms treatment in hindi

Cervical Cancer : The risk of cervical cancer is increasing in women. According to the data of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute, every 7 minutes a woman in the country is becoming a victim of this cancer (Cervical Cancer). Even a little negligence in this cancer can be fatal. Cervical cancer occurs due to uncontrolled growth of cells of the cervix. This is the second most common cancer found in women in India. Reasons for increasing cervical cancer in India 1. The main factor in the increase of cervical cancer is…

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Why Are Advanced Stage Cervical Cancer Cases Rising In India

Why Are Advanced Stage Cervical Cancer Cases Rising In India

Cervical cancer cases are increasing rapidly every year in India. This cancer occurs especially in women. Indian women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in advanced stages. The reason behind this could also be that most women are not as aware about this cancer as they should be. Due to which this disease is detected in the very last stage. Cervical cancer outbreak in India Cervical cancer is more scary for India because 25 percent of its patients are from India alone. Its cases are continuously increasing every year. This cancer…

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Cervical Cancer What Is Human Papillomavirus Infection HPV Know 10 Facts

Cervical Cancer What Is Human Papillomavirus Infection HPV Know 10 Facts

Human Papillomavirus Infection: Cervical cancer is the second most dangerous cancer affecting women in India. There are maximum patients of this cancer in the country. Every year around 1.25 lakh women are treated for cervical cancer. Not only this, more than 75 thousand people die in India due to this terrible disease. A large part of people suffering from cervical cancer i.e. more than 95% is due to Human Papillomavirus. According to a news channel, Dr. Gautam Wankhede, Director of Medical Affairs, Mylab Discovery Solutions, has given 10 facts about…

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What Is Cervical Cancer Symptoms Treatment Can Vaccine Protect Women

What Is Cervical Cancer Symptoms Treatment Can Vaccine Protect Women

Cervical Cancer Vaccine: Cancer is becoming a rapidly spreading dangerous disease at the present time. People walking around are becoming its victims and they are not even aware of it. In women too, after breast cancer and ovary cancer, another cancer is emerging rapidly, which is very dangerous. The cancer that we are talking about in women is ‘cervical cancer’. Cervical cancer is caused by infection with the HPV (human papillomavirus) virus. It is a sexually transmitted virus, which spreads through having sex. If someone is repeatedly infected with this…

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IKnife has come to beat uterine cancer, know how it will treat it in a few seconds

IKnife has come to beat uterine cancer, know how it will treat it in a few seconds

Cases of uterine cancer in women have increased rapidly in the recent past. The biggest problem arises in these when the patient comes to know about them late. But now there is good news for women all over the world, in fact, some scientists from Imperial College London have made a surgical knife that can quickly detect uterine cancer or tumors anywhere. According to a report published in The Guardian, this advanced surgical knife can smell the tumor and from that it detects it. That is, simply put, now the…

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India Sees Most Number Of Cervical Cancer Cases See Lancet Report

India Sees Most Number Of Cervical Cancer Cases See Lancet Report

cervical cancer: A worrying thing has come to the fore regarding the health of women in India. In fact, a recent Lancet study has revealed that 23 percent of women in India die due to cervical cancer. Not only this, India is a country in Asia where women have the highest number of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer causes 40% of deaths worldwide It has been revealed in the report of Lancet Study Report that 40 percent of women in the whole world have died due to cervical cancer. But the…

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